Monthly Archives: May 2014

Our final projects: Lightbulb Efficiency

Group members

Hadi, Fernan, Zhihua (Dominic)


The purpose of this experiment is to measure the efficiency of different types of light bulbs used in households. This experiment will also demonstrate the concept of efficiency by the use of hand-cranked generator. In addition, it will include the use of photoresistors in measuring the light intensity of the system.


Tools and equipments:

In this experiment, we are going to use the following:

-3 types of light bulbs: Halogen, CFL, and LED.

-Light bulb socket.

-Hand-cranked generator.


-Desk lamp.



-1k ohm resistor.IMG_0787


-Power outlet.




Step 1:

First we set up the experiment tools and components. First, we are going to measure the voltage supplied by the hand-cranked generator using the multimeter. So we connect the multimeter to the output of the generator, then we spent the lever and measure the voltage generated by it. The voltage that we got was about 140V AC. Now we can start testing the light bulbs each at a time. We connect the first type of light bulbs (Halogen) to the socket and then to the hand cranked generator. We then start spinning the lever until we get the light to turn on. Notice the effort that it takes to turn it on. Repeat this step 2 times with different types of light bulbs (CFL, LED). Which of the 3 types was easier to light up, and which was harder? What does that have to do with the efficiency?

If the power for each of these type is given as in Table1, calculate the current flowing through each of them if the average voltage generated is 140V.IMG_0789






Light Bulb Type

Input Power (W)

I (mW)











Remember that Power=V*I



Step 2:

Connect the circuit as shown in Fig.1.




We will use a lamp connected to the outlet of the wall that supplies 120V AC. Then we will build the circuit on the left on a breadboard. We use a DC power supply of 5V, and connect it to a photoresistor in series with 1k ohm resistor. Photoresistors are resistors that change their values depending on the light spotted on them. The more the light, the less resistance it has and vise versa. We are going to observe the voltage across the 1k ohm resistor. The voltage across the 1k resistor depends on the value of the photoresistor. According to the voltage divider rule, Vout=Vs*(Rout/(Rout+Rp). Vs is the source voltage. We start with the Halogen bulb and insert it into the lamp. We turn it on and place it so it is shining on the photoresistor. We measure the Vout. We repeat this 2 times using CFL and LED lights.IMG_0788

Then fill the table below:


Light type Vout (V) I (mA) Output Power (mW) Input Power (W) Efficiency
Halogen 3.9 3.9 15.21 43 0.35m
CFL 3.96 3.96 15.68 13 1.2m
LED 3.56 3.56 12.67 3.5 3.62m


The input power is given from the manufacturer of these products.

We need to use these formulas to acquire the values.

V=I*R, we use this equation to calculate the current through the 1k resistor.

The output power= I*Vout.

The efficiency=Output Power/Input power.

Determine which of these lightbulbs is the most efficient and which is least efficient. Do they agree with your results in part 1?



At the end of this experiment, we know that the LED light is the most efficient types of light bulbs, then CFL, and lastly the Halogen. Our results from the first step agreed with our results in the second step. We had some difficulties in our experiment that restrained us from applying some measurements such as the current flowing through the lamp due to the danger of working with 120V. We also had to change our plan from using DC power supplies to the 120V AC outlet because we couldn’t acquire enough voltage to turn the lights on. However, we were lucky to find the photoresistors which made it very easy to conduct our experiment and measure the light intensity of each of the bulbs.

Brainstorming for Final project

This is a team project, I hooked up with my classmates Fernan and Hadi.

We then were asked to come up with an experiment that is related to our subject of study. We shared lots of idea, finally we decided to test the efficiency of different types of light bulbs and by a handmade hand crank generator.


Then use it to measure the efficiency by different type of household light balls.


Museum Of Science

This is the first time I visit the the museum of science Boston and with my friend woody.IMG_1561

we went to the Energy Hall, where I learned that in the oceans energy laden microorganism mixed with river bone sediments and the mixture of mud, sand and organic remains settled in the sediment basils, created thousands of feet of sediment over millions of years, therefore energy rich sediment began their transformation into oil and gas. There was also a Geology exhibition, in which one can learn the major events of evolution of the Earth and life. Such as the formation of Pangea 280 million years ago and breakage of the continents. My son and I had a great time watching theses events on the computer. There was also a Chemistry room where one can learn the states of matter and review the periodic table. Later we went to the butterfly center and watch many butterflies flying and others remaining silently in their leaves

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Shot trip in MIT Nuclear Reactor


We went to the MIT Nuclear Reactor Laboratory last Friday. It was a great trip. It’s my first time there. I think it’s a great opportunity for us to get an experience about what the real nuclear reactor lab is. The MIT Nuclear Reactor Laboratory (MIT-NRL) is an interdepartmental center that operates a high performance 6 MW research reactor known as the MITR-II. It is the second largest university research reactor in the U.S. and the only one located on the campus of a major research university. During its long and distinguished history, the NRL has supported educational training and cutting-edge research in the areas of nuclear fission engineering, material science, radiation effects in biology and medicine, neutron physics, geochemistry, and environmental studies.

At beginning, the professor from MIT Nuclear Reactor Laboratory gave us an lecture about the basic information of the lab. How they work and what they work. After that we had a tour and i noticed that the MIT Nuclear Reactor Laboratory is quite large. The Professor who worked at there talked us how every equipment work. I learned a lot. It was a great trip!

How do Nuclear Plants works?

Nuclear Plants are much like fossil-fueled power plants. The idea of fossil fueled power plant is to heat up the water until it boils and changes to steam, then the steam will turn the turbine generator to produce electricity. The difference between them is the source of heat. Inside of a nuclear power plants, the heat to make the steam is created when uranium atoms split, also known as the fission.


Fission is a process that the nuclear reactor to provide heat. It is a process that a neutron, in this case uranium neutron, collides with a target nucleus, in this case is uranium nucleus. After the first collide the products are more neutron and more nucleus then the neutron will keep repeating the collision with other nucleus. The process will create heat and we use the heat to boil water.

Learned from website MIT Nuclear Reactor Laboratory

Fukushima’s Disaster and Aftermath

Three years ago,Japan was devastated by a 9.0 earthquake and ensuing tsunami. The disaster was compounded by a nuclear disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant, a 12 miles exclusion zone still surrounds building housing a nuclear reactor, which exploded and 3 other reactors thatmelted down. The sheer numbers of those affected by the disaster is hard to wrap around yourhead. And estimated 19000 people perished and left another 325 thousand without permanent housing.

As a result of the Fukushima nuclear accident, the Japanese mainland was massively contaminated with radioactive material. In November 2011, the Japanese Science Ministry an


nounced that as much as 11,580 square miles (30,000 square kilometers) of the land surface of Japan was contaminated with the radioactive isotope caesium-137. Caesium-137, with a half-life of 30 years, is produced as one of the more common radioactive fission products by the nuclear fission of uranium-235 in nuclear reactors. About 4,500 square miles of land was found to have radiation levels that exceeded Japan’s allowable radiation exposure rate for the general public (the official ‘safe’ level of exposure to radiation). On 19 April 2011, in a highly controversial move, the Japanese authorities announced that this level of radiation exposure would be increased twenty times – a level twenty time higher than the American population exposure limit. The Japanese government was then able to downplay the dangers of the radioactive contamination at Fukushima and avoid the evacuation of many of the most badly contaminated areas.

Shortages of food, water, shelter, medicine and fuel for survivors became apng;base641d2c760cff1903de high priority for the Japanese government. In response the government mobilized the Self-Defence Forces, whilst many countries sent search and rescue teams to help search for survivors. Aid organizations both in Japan and worldwide also responded, with the Japanese Red Cross reporting $1 billion in donations.

Geothermal power in Iceland


The Icelandic geothermal energy has been used for many years for multiple purposes. Ever since the first permanent settler, Ingólfur Arnarsson, came to Iceland, people have figured out many ways to use the geothermal energy. For example when he came to Reykjavík, he saw smoke rising from the geoth

ermal zones which are in Laugardalur in Reykjavík. That is the reason for why Icelanders usually translate Reykjavík to “Smoky Bay”. In the early 20th century and before that the women in Reykjavík all went there to wash their and their families’ clothes.

7-utilisation_of_geothermalToday 90% of homes in Iceland are heated by tapping directly into this geothermal source.  With allof its direct uses geothermal energy accounts for more than half of Iceland’s entire energy needs!

The Peltier Device

What is Peltier Device1

In a Peltier device, the electrodes are typically made of a metal with excellent electrical conductivity. The semiconductor material between the electrodes creates two junctions between dissimilar materials, which, in turn, creates a pair of thermo couple voltage is applied to the electrodes to force electrical current through the semiconductor, thermal energy flows in the direction of the charge carriers.

How does it workpeltier

The Peltier effect is a temperature difference created by applying a voltage between two electrodes connected to a sample of semiconductor material. This phenomenon can be useful when it is necessary to transfer heat from one medium to another on a small scale. The Peltier effect is one of three types of thermo electric effect; the other two are the Seebeck effect and the Thomson effect.

Heating and Cooling Glass