The filed trip to MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center was very enlightening. I haven’t heard the term “fusion” before, and couldn’t understand it even after I looked up on dictionary, so I guess it must have more scientific explanation behind. After the presentation we had during the field trip, I’m now having a clearer picture about “fusion” in my head. The presentation was hard to fully comprehend the material while the presenter is talking. Many of the terminology he used were entirely new for me and can only understand some of it. The presenter is trying to simplify the very scientific topic so that we could possibly understand more of it. From his presentation, I understand that fusion is a very efficient of land use and it has more advantages than most renewable energy resources. Fusion energy also have advantages over nuclear fission. It has no long-lived nuclear waste, which produces less waste than fission have.
After the presentation, there is another PHD student take us to visit the fusion center, including the engineers’ working place and workshop where the fusion device located.
It is a very cool experience to get know more about the renewable energies and the most “front-line” technology.
The fusion center PHD student, he was very informative and patiently explains to us how does fusion device work.