Electricity Generations

Coal-fired, natural gas and nuclear power plants are all electricity generators, they all have advantages and disadvantages.

Coal-fired: It has reliable supplier in certain regions, also have good efficiency to utilize it. During the time when coal-fired just been discovered to use for generate electricity, it is low cost, lower than nuclear. However, coal-fired isn’t perfect resource. It pollutes the environment by release exhaust gas, it also causes acid rains and global warming. And the transportation of coal cost a lot of money. Also the source can be dry up, and not always able to find new fields. Since it pollutes environment, and environment protection also requires expensive technologies and cost a lot.

Natural gas: It has nicely built infrastructure for fossil fuel supply, it also has the ability to make sure the quick changes of output upon grid requests. Again, it cost lower than nuclear. It pollute much more less than coal-fired and better for environment. But it’s expensive to produce electricity and heat.

Nuclear power plant: It is a relatively the best method to electricity out of these three. Nuclear power doesn’t pollute, and high efficiency to utilize it. The fuel can stock longer period than other sources, with low amount of produced waste. But same as above, it is very high investment costs during the construction.


1 US Elec gen by source


Fracking, also called Hydraulic fracturing.

It is highly controversial:  its environmental impacts include the risk of polluting ground water, consuming fresh water, worse air quality, the potential triggering of earthquakes, noise pollution, surface pollution, and the finally risks to health and the environment.



Nations Energy Grid

Energy grid is an network for delivering electricity from suppliers to consumers. It have generating stations that produce power, and distribution to individual customers.

The infrastructure of energy grid in US were not very reliable since there are getting more and more accidents occurred that by grid energy storage. The grid needs to be updated and make it modern, we are experiencing the crisis of energy grid, and it needs to be updated soon. Since the technology is becoming more smart and automated, smart grid can help to reduce the accident happened from grid energy storage. Smart grid is performed in an automated fashion to improve the efficiency, reliability, economics, and sustainability of the production and distribution of electricity.

The following video is talk about how smart grid can improve the sufficiency, reliability and sustainability.

A brief intro that talk about America’s infrastructure.