13. Self Study

nuclear forest

What is Nuclear Energy? 

Nuclear energy is released during fission or fusion. Energy during the process of fission is released when the nucleus splits into two. Fusion is the process in which two parent nuclei merge and become one, releasing energy during this process.

Nuclear Power Plant- 

The chain reaction that occurs during fission (neutrons cause other atoms to split) creates the heat that is used to generate electricity in a power plant. The most common fuel that is used in a power plant is uranium, which is a heavy metal that can be found underground.


Advantages of nuclear energy?

– 1 pound of Uranium has as much energy as one million gallons of gasoline, so it is a lot cheaper to use Uranium.

– Annually nuclear energy prevents 164 tons of carbon from entering the atmosphere.


Effects of Radiation – 

– There can be genetic damages that occur to a person because of mutations that alter genes. These damages will most likely become apparent in the next generation.

– Cancer can occur due to radiation.

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