2. Fracking


Fracking_diagram_jpg_800x1000_q100Fracking is a type of drilling that involves drilling into earth and directing a high pressured mix of water,sand, and chemicals at a rock. This high pressure fractures the rock so that the gas inside of the rock is released. The practice of fracking has been occurring more in the United States in the recent years.

How is fracking done? 

A well is drilled vertically from the surface, then that well is encased in steel to protect any leaking from occurring to the ground water. Once the depth reaches the point where natural gas or oil exists, the well is curved and then they drill horizontally across the rock surface. The pressure of the water/chemicals that are released through that well is strong enough to fracture the rocks and to create cracks where oil and gas can flow from. Once the gas and oil are trapped they are pumped back to the surface. The liquid that is pumped back includes contaminants such as: heavy metals, hydrocarbons, and toxins. This waste is stored at the fracking site then disposed of at off site wastewater treatment facilities.





Potential environmental impacts of fracking: 

A pollution incident could occur because of a bad fracking process. During the process, chemicals can escape and contaminate the underground water around the fracking site. Research published by Duke University in 2011 showed that drinking water near fracking wells had levels of methane that were very close to what the U.S considers “dangerous and requires urgent action”. Fracking also uses very large amounts of water and the water has to be transported to the site. There are a high number of trucks that are used to transport this water, therefore  just the transportation of the water is badly impacting the environment. A third potential environmental threat is that the process could cause small earthquakes near the site.


– Allows access to resources of oil and gas that are very difficult to reach.

– Has brought down gas prices in the U.S.

– Has boosted oil production in the U.S.


– Can destroy drinking water supplies.

-Can pollute air.

-Contributes to the greenhouse gases that cause global warming.

– Encourages reliance on fossil fuels.

– Distracting energy firms/ government from investing in renewable sources of energy, because they rely on fracking as a solution.










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