Category Archives: HW

Static Electricity! “An electrostatic generator, or electrostatic machine, is a mechanical device that produces static electricity, or electricity at high voltage and low continuous current. The knowledge of static electricity dates back to the earliest civilizations, but for millennia it remained … Continue reading

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Generator Lab

emmediatley the first thing i thought of before even started the lab was the shake weight, the weight that shakes while you hold it to work out your arms and stuff, good workout!! But i liked this lab probably the … Continue reading

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The MIT Nuclear Reactor

  At first i was extremely hesitant to go to the reactor because of the radiation that comes off of it, i am extremely aware of things like that, like having my phone in my pocket for too long and … Continue reading

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Energy through Light

This experiment was interesting because we got to experiment with lights. We used a little what looked like a mini solar panel energy source to see what the light did to it, then we put color gels infront of the … Continue reading

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Pully System

We did an experiment this week that had to do with power, weight, rotation and work. It was very cool, we used a pully system to pull up different amounts of wieght to see how things changed. When we decreased … Continue reading

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Demand Responce

Demand is basically spending money but being willing to spend it which is extremely tough lately because of the economy. I read: “Elements of the Law of Demand As Melvin and Boyes note the law of demand is defined as: … Continue reading

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Contagion: An Epidemic

In this case, it was no just an epidemic, it was a pandemic which means it was global and travels worldwide. This movie was crazy. I am already a hypochondriac so while watching the movie and definitely after the movie, … Continue reading

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A Robot Experiment

I am a very hands on person when it comes to school so being able to build a robot that we were going to apply the equations we learned to was an easy way for me to learn. There were … Continue reading

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Fukushima Nuclear Disaster

The Disaster following the earthquake and tsunami was horrible and devastating. This is the largest japanese nuclear disaster since 1986 but some people are saying that is was actually worse than that. When the earthquake hit, there were 2 reactors … Continue reading

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