-Option One: Southwest

 Southwest Inc. which is located in Flagstaff, Arizona produces a micro turbine- the Skystream 3.7. This model is the one placed on City Hall. While it is small and would not produce as much energy as some other turbines, it serves as a more cost effective educational tool. It is a 2.4 kW (kilowatt) turbine which is large enough to power almost an entire average home. However, because Miller Hall requires so much energy, it would be only a small percentage of the total electricity used. It is a larger turbine than some others on the market- with a 12 foot rotor and weighing 170 pounds. There are local companies to install the turbines, such as Nelson and Small in Brighton. How does the city use the electricity generated by the turbine? How would Miller Hall use it?

  2007 2008
Monthly Average kW Used (approx.) 168,000 157,000
Monthly Average kWh Cost (approx.) $27,000 $28,500
Annual Average Unit Price kWh $0.17 $0.18

Fiscal Analysis:

  • Each turbine costs between $12,000- $18,000 installed. The price will vary depending on which company installs it, and how long the tower whichaccompaniesthe turbine is.
  • The most the turbine can produce is 21,024 kWh per year. This translates to $3,784.32, with a 3.2 year payback period. A more conservativeanalysiswould be topredictthat the turbine would only produce 10% of its potential, meaning it would generate $378.43 worth of energy a year, and have a payback period of 47.5 years.
  • Funding Options:Massachusetts Technological Collaboration Grant for up to $50,000 for small turbine projects:

Table 2 illustrates the pros and cons of the Southwest microturbines.


Pros Cons
More cost effective than some of the other choices. Will not produce as much energy as a more expensive system.
Has received sound reviews for suburban and rural areas. Little research has been done on them in cities. However, the data Suffolk gathers could be published and used to help other urban investors make an educated decision.
Would probably make money back on the investment.  
Sends a strong message that Suffolk supports green initiatives.  

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/pJyKZE5iX20" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

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