Natural Gas Hydraulic Fracturing

Hydraulic Fracturing is the injection of water, particles and chemicals into the underground in order to make holes which gas can be collected from. Natural Gas Hyrdaulic Fracturing is supposed to increase up to 45% when we get to the year of 2030. “…60%-80% of natural gas wells drilled in the next decade will require hydraulic fracturing.” (Investor Environmental Health Network)

This act harms Mother Nature in a great way! the risk of toxic spills is ridiculously high! and it is polluting our air! What we breath, how can we let this happen? These operations include moving, placing, and getting rid of millions of gallons of water, and lots and lots of gallons of toxic chemicals. Spills are happening! how dangerous!


Drilling and hydraulic fracturing can increase the stress of the water that is on the surface and ground water supplies because of how much water is being taken out. Our drinking water might be contaminated from the result of many difficulties. Greenhouse gases may cause the air to pollute. Even with all these risks, they are continuing to drill because it might end up being our people want all the gas that they can get! We just have to be extremely careful! The EPA is trying to regulate the process as best as they can.

If you click to website above, it will have a little video that will show you what takes place when one if doing the Fracking.

Shale gas is being taken out from underground, and the department of energy says that almost 50% of our growth in gas will come from shale! we shouldn’t crack something that takes such hard work to crack, it means its not supposed to be cracked!


It is understandable that shale gas doesn’t add up to global warming as much as others, like coal and oil. A lot of people like this idea, but it can still be very hazardous to the environment and the community that they are fracking.

“The practice has sparked major environmental and public heath concerns near U.S. gas fields, from diesel fuel and unidentified chemicals in groundwater to methane seeping from sink faucets and even blowing up houses.” (Russel McLendon)

The way it works is drilling underground, and they blast it, opening new cracks and making the old cracks much wider. Sand is used to keep the hole open after water is taken out. They are using 2-5 million gallons of water, water pressure is a lot stronger, and the amount of fracturing is a lot more.

Two of the best shales out there in the United States are Barnett and Marcellus. More places have been showing up like in Arkansas, louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Wyoming.


While Hyrdaulic Fracturing is good for the economy, it can make a lot of damage. In my opinion it should not be done, we can live without gas especially with today’s technology. I hope in the future they realize they need to leave Mother Nature alone.






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