Lego Cars in a Science Class!

We spent a total of 2 class working with lego cars that are attached to the computer and given commands by the computer!

The first class we had to create the car from scratch by looking at instructions! I think we did a great job!

The Final Product
The Final Product

After we had to connect the car with cords to the computer. Our passenger Manuelo was very excited for the ride!

A ruler was placed to measure the distance for the time of a second and at speeds of 75, 20, 50, 60 and 120.

The computer told us that at the speed of 70, the car should move .25 cm, but it moved .234. Very close if you ask me. At 20, it should have been .045 but it was .043, again very close. At the speed of 50, it was supposed to go .172 but it went .154, not as close as the others. At the speed of 60 we tried it three different times and it gave us three different results. It should have been .205 but first we got .189, then .208, and finally .205. The first time it was less than the estimated, but the last two times it was more than the estimated.

Later we got a very long ruler and decided to test it out for longer speeds of time. Instead of a second we did 3 seconds, and the result was at a speed of 120, we were supposed to get 1.1938, but we got 1.05594 cm.

It is safe to say our machine was getting very close numbers to the estimated. Manuelo was very happy with his new vehicle! Getting Ready to Blast Off!
Above you see the car almost ready to blast off! and Connor in the back throwing a thumbs up to show his excitment! The smile on Kevin’s face portrays our emotion for this activity.
The car in movement!
Here it is in action, the picture could not capture because of the speed!
Overall this was a fun hands on project 🙂
Until Next Time,