Monthly Archives: March 2014

MIT Nuclear Reactor


While entering the MIT Nuclear Reactor I felt like I was going on an under cover mission. Signing in, putting my clothes away, no cell phone, no food, no drinks, and then going through air compressed doors, I was very curious as to what was going to happen. Created in 1958, the MIT Nuclear Reactor operates a high performance 6MW research reactor known as the MITR. It has supported educational training and research in the areas of nuclear fission engineering, radiation effects in biology and medicine, geochemistry, and environmental studies.

One room that fascinated me the most was the Medical Irradiation Rooms. The one we went to was located in the basement and uses a neutron beam from the reactor core. The “epithermal beam” from the fission converter is the highest intensity beam available in the world. This was crazy to find out because I leave down the street from the MIT NR and I had no idea the potential of what some buildings have inside. The basement facility’s beam can be thermal, or epithermal depending on the filters that are used. Both facilities are available to support research in the medical uses of neutrons in cancer therapy.

In the United States, it is the second largest university research reactor in the U.S. and the only one located on the campus of a major research university. I thought it was very cool that students are allowed to work there and fascinating that there has to be someone working and supervising the system at all times.

After the past two years living in Cambridge, I finally know what the white oval building represents while passing MIT to go to Central Square. Now when walking with friends I am able to tell them a thing or two about whats

Auto Industry

Today companies and businesses are trying to do good the the environment, reduce their carbon footprint, and create a better eco-friendly image in general. One of the biggest companies here in the United States that creates a large carbon footprint is the vehicle industry. As it is stated in ‘Carbon Dioxide Emissions’ by the Environmental Protection Agency, the main human activity that emits CO2 is the combustion of fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, and oil) for energy and transportation.

The EPA said it expects fuel economy to continue to improve under the Obama administration’s National Clean Car Program standards. In addition to dramatically increasing fuel economy standards by 2025, the program will cut vehicle greenhouse gas emissions by half, agency officials said this week. Expectations are that the standards are to save a vehicle owner an average of $8,000 by 2025. EPA officials also expect to reduce oil consumption by more than 2 million barrels a day by 2025.

I would like to think and it has been said that every automaker is doing whatever it can to make those vehicles more fuel efficient. Some ways the automobile industry has improved their miles per gallon, allowing the vehicle owner to save money, is by creating engines that stop running while a vehicle is at a standstill, aerodynamic elements, vehicle weight, and hybrid cars. One car for example is the 2015 Ford F-140, which is 700 pounds lighter than the previous version due to its aluminum body.


There are several benefits of turning off or simply having an engine that stops running while the vehicle is at a standstill. Environmentally, switching off your engine at a standstill uses less fuel, cost you less in gas, and above all, the car automatically becomes zero-emissions. Hybrids are the most gasoline efficient of all cars, 48 to 60 mpg. Much of the fuel efficiency with the hybrids comes from improvements in aero dynamics, weight reduction and, the biggest change: a smaller, less powerful gas engine. It is said that any car will get substantially better mileage just by reducing the engine size.

Some say hydrogen or methane fuel cell powered cars are probably the cars of the future. What is really the future and better for the environment is using more public (improved) transportation, car pooling, riding a bike or even walking.low section view of three people walking

Trading Spouses

trading_spouses_186x250While taking Contemporary Science and Innovation with Professor Shatz, it is safe to say that watching Trading Spouses was a wild trip, entering her world outside of the classroom. Throughout the beginning of the show it seems like both family’s have normal laid back lives, but what we don’ t know about are all the habits and day-to-day activities. Automatically when seeing a family from Kentucky and an Orthodox family from Brookline, Boston, there are bound to be differences.

The fact of the matter that Professor Shatz does not like hunting is definitely true, aside from religious beliefs this a huge no-no in her dictionary as it is in mine. Also, it seems like they have a very slow pace life in Kentucky and that the daughter is much too good for school and the son is needs a tutor and help with extracurricular activities. While the family in Kentucky are more laid back with education, it is definitely a fact that when the Sh

atz children come home from school, they are already doing homework, and even for three hours, which I doubt is an exaggeration. Hard work pays off, and this is something that is embedded in our classroom that most of the students, including myself, tend to forget about while blogging.

While Professor Shatz washes the dishes,  I don’t believe he reads while doing them because it takes an intense multitasker to do that! It’s pretty amazing how there are two sinks, two dishwashers, and even two sets of dishes, but within the Orthodox religion, I understand.

I find it hard to believe that the family in Kentucky are so uneducated about the Jewish religion in general so this could have been exaggerated but perhaps it is true.


When Professor Shatz arrives to the house I believe that there was no kosher food or any stores that had kosher products in stock, so she had to order her food to be sent over night. When the other mother went to Boston, I am clueless as to wether the kids have had parties or not. It seems like they are very studious but to not have friends besides each other is a little intense. I do think its true that the Kentucky mother took Shatz’s son to go shopping and a hair cut, but can’t believe she threw a party and the Rabbi came at that exact moment to receive a check. As if it was all planned out.


After watching this it will be very funny talking about this in class, and really knowing what was true or not!

President’s Climate Action Plan

Due to the raise of awareness of global warming, President Obama’s ‘Climate Action Plan’ is a pledge that by 2020, America would reduce its greenhouse gas emissions in the range of 17 percent below 2005, if all other major economies agree to their emissions as well.



Stated beautifully, a part of the action plan states:

We, the people, still believe that our obligations as Americans are not just to ourselves, but to all posterity. We will respond to the threat of climate change, knowing that the failure to do so would betray our children and future generations. Some may still deny the overwhelming judgment of science, but none can avoid the devastating impact of raging fires and crippling drought and more powerful storms”

-President Obama, Second Inaugural Address, January 2013

While many are trying to reduce their waste, emissions, and enhance their ways of living an eco-friendly life, there are many large companies that also need to change for the better. As the article says, climate change is no longer a distant threat. We are already feeling its impacts across the country and the world with temperature changes, increasing floods and raising food prices. The plan, which consists of many executive actions, has three key pillars:

  1. Cutting Carbon Pollution in America: The Obama Administration is putting in place tough new rules to cut carbon pollution to protect children and move our economy toward American-made clean energy sources that will create good jobs and lower home energy bills.
  2. Preparing the U.S. for the Impacts of Climate Change: While taking new steps to reduce carbon pollution, we also need to prepare for the impact of a changing climate that are already obvious. Obama Administration will help state and local governments strengthen our roads, bridges and shorelines to better protect people’s homes businesses & a way of life from severe weather.
  3. Last but not least: Lead International Efforts to Combat Global Climate Change and Prepare for its Impacts: The U.S.  needs to prepare for climate impacts, and drive progress through the international negotiations.

Climate change represents one of our greatest challenges of our time, but it is a challenge uniquely suited to America’s strengths. Out of the Climate Action Plan, I have chose these three initiatives: Working with other countries to take action to address climate change, protecting our economy and natural resources, and building stronger and safer communities and infrastructure.

One way of engaging other countries to take action on addressing climate change is the Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate, a high-level forum that brings together 17 countries that account for 75% of global greenhouse gas emissions. With major emerging economies, the Obama Administration has sought to intensify bilateral climate cooperation with key major emerging economies through initiatives like the U.S.- China Clean Energy Research Center, along with working with India and Brazil.

As climate change is affecting nearly every aspect of our society, from agriculture and tourism to the health and safety of the citizens to natural resources protecting the economy and natural resources is necessary. The Department of Agriculture and Department of the Interior released several studies outlining changing climate poses for agricultural enterprise, forests, water supply, wildlife, and public lands. The Department of Health and Human Services will launch an effort to create sustainable and resilient hospitals in the face of climate change. Born and raised in California, their ‘Reducing Wildfire Risks’ appealed to my eye. With tribes, states, and local governments as partners, the Administration has worked to make landscapes more resistance to wildfires, which are created by heat and drought conditions resulting from climate change. Plans are to expand and prioritize forest and rangeland restoration efforts in order to make natural areas and communities less vulnerable.

Thankfully, many states, cities, and communities are already planning and preparing for the impacts of climate change. I know that were I am from in California, one has a tiny bin for trash and a larger bin for recycling and green waste. Recommendations and tips are always great for any community to flourish and grow.



Lastly, as the article states, the U.S. has made historic progress in the international climate negotiations during the past four years and I as an individual will continue to do my best to keep our environment healthy.