New Generation of Technology: VGO

As a field trip this week, we went to the Museum of Science with our SF-197 class. It was a very interesting experience because there were a lot of stuff that I have never seen before. There were mathematics section, wildlife section, electricity section, and etc. It was overall exciting and interesting to see, however what caught my eyes were the daily show. The topic of daily show changes every month but the topic for this week was a newly invented technology called VGO.

It all started with a story of 6 year old Devon.
Since Devon was born, he has been suffering through serious allergy problem and the only thing that he can touch or eat are potatoes, corn, baby food, and few other food. Because of his condition and how serious the problem is, he is not allowed or it is not safe for him to go out or even attend school. At a age of 8 (second grade) is when we start learn our basic english, math, communication skills and sciences but in his case, he cannot learn these important skills because of his health. However, through different scientific experiments and technology, he can go to school now. Not physically but through the usage of a robot called the VGO. By using VGO, he can manually control this robot to attend every class. On this robot, there is a screen that shows his face and four speakers that releases sounds as Devon speaks to a microphone from his house. If he ever needs to raise his hand, he can click a button and it would flash some lights that indicates that he is raising his hand. With this new technology, he can now talk with friends, answer questions in class and even hangout or talk to his friends during breaks and lunch.
When I saw this presentation at the beginning, I thought it would be those typical presentations where the speaker would use large and scientific words to sound smart to explain about the experiement, but that was not the case. He explained to us as simply as he can to grab our interest and show that this is what is happening in our engineering/technological field these days and how it is evolving everyday. In addition to his well spoken explanation, he also showed us how the  robot works. Although it looked hard, it was very interesting how the controlling mechanism is  slowly developing to be easier and easier. This gives some opportunities to not only kids and teenagers but to elders that cannot move from their beds or etc.
From what I have seen at the Museum of Science, I felt like this robot was the best and hope that these robots will evolve even more in the future.

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