This week, Dr.Shatz introduced us to our final project for this class.
We are suppose to create and present a powerpoint considering about sustainability to high school students as our final project. As a group, we decided to make our topic to be “Sustainability and Renewable/Green Energy.”
We aren’t really sure what we are doing specifically because it’s our first time meeting up together and talking about our topic but we have a broad idea of what we want to do with our project. We would start off talking about climate change and all the subtopics. Such as causes, effects, solutions, and what we are doing to prevent climate change to proceed even more.
Furthermore, as an experiment we are planning to create a hand-held generator but we aren’t really clear what we really want to do. I hope we can create something very original other than just copper wires and magnet. Something that would make everyone surprised about our experiment. We will keep working and refining our topic as well as our experiment next week.
There are many topics, so the choice is not that easy.