Excellent Examples of Course Blogs in Higher Ed

picture-58.pngThe University of Mary Washington is certainly leading the way with UMW Blogs in showcasing what is possible in education with a blog publishing platform such as WordPress MU. Other pioneers include Penn State, Harvard, and UMass Amherst, (and of course, The College Blogs at Suffolk University!)

For those who may not have realized the relevance and power of blogs as self-service publishing platforms in higher ed, some good places to start are to explore the Wordcamp conferences (included the just-passed Northeast one) and (UMW) Jim Groom’s blog bavatuesdays, or (Penn State) Cole Camplese’s Learning and Innovation.

Below are some great examples of course blogs from UMW and UMass Amherst. Poke around for admiration and inspiration!

University of Mary Washington Course Blogs:

Art & Art History



Classics, Philosophy, & Religion


English, Linguistics, & Communication

History & American Studies

Modern Foreign Languages


University of Massachusetts Amherst Course Blogs:

Wow!  Inspiring stuff!