Degree in Social Networking

Another social networking applicaiton
Another social networking applicaiton

If you doubted that social networking is more than just a passing fancy, consider that Birmingham City University (UK) will be offering a one-year Master’s program beginning next year.

There is apparently disagreement as to whether or not the program content is really going to have an audience. While the program’s creator has created the program “nor for freaks or IT geeks”, it has been criticized as being too simple and “…a complete waste of university resources,” according to one student.

Personally, I think the focus on the tools is the wrong approach to education. It seems shortsighted to me to teach people how to use Facebook and Twitter and other social networking tools as an end unto itself. The technology is always changing, and it seems to make most send to use technology as tool to help achieve instructional goals and objectives. the technology should be “subservient” to the higher good of learning.

Why Another Blog?@?!*?#!?%


I’m Elaine Garofoli, the Educational Technologist from the Sawyer School of Business, [insert photo], and I’m Michelle Bolser, Educational Technology Coordinator from the College of Arts and Sciences. [photo]

Since there are now two of us working at the University in this similar capacity, we thought it would be great if there was one location where we could post our thoughts, ideas, and “finds”, and also have people who read the blog have the opportunity to offer their comments, thus extending the conversation.