Cloud Storage

Even though I told myself I was only going to blog one posting today, I can’t help but comment on Robin good’s article about how to send learge files w/o email.

I discivered the need to dor this kind of application a while ago when I needed to give people access to some Powerpoint point and other image files which were just too large for email too handle. Robing Good, who I love as a resource for a current and relevent take on what is happening in the today’s crazy [insane] world of communicaiton, has compiled a list of 15 different apps that provide the ability to

  • send large files quickly
  • store files online

I haven’t used any of the services Good writes about, but I have been using as a location for file storage. I have often uploaded files that were too large to email, and then either gave selective access to people, or just uploaded files with open access for others.

I’d love to know if you have used any of the services and tools described in the article.

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