Quality Online Video Sites for Education

In light of YouTube’s recently launch of “YouTube Edu“, I figured I’d compile a list of the best sites for educational use. (I’ve seriously thought about aggregating our own on wpmu with a premium WordPress template like On Demand, which looks like a Hulu or WordPress tv. and can aggregate content from many user-based video services). At any rate, I’d love to grow the list with some feedback as to what else is out there. So far, the list is short, though the content in all is vast:

YouTube Edu
YouTube’s videos and channels from college and university partners

Videos on the people, issues, and ideas changing the planet

Big Think
Interviews and insight from the world’s leading experts in business, entertainment, education, religion, and politics

Academic Earth
Thousands of lectures from the world’s top scholars

iTunes U
Free lectures, language lessons , audiobooks, and more

Author: admin

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