Hulu: Watch NBC online, Embed TV Shows on Your Blog or Myspace Page

Hulu came out of its private beta a week or two ago, and now anyone can access the site. As a private beta tester, I had been catching up with episodes of The Office ever since the series left iTunes, which I am still not happy about. I’d much rather watch these episodes on my iPhone during my commute, and the unfortunate part about Hulu is that it doesn’t offer TV shows for download. Instead, you are stuck watching them in streaming video on your computer complete with, yes, advertiser commercials.

However, the site’s layout and design is pretty user friendly, and the most ingenious aspect of Hulu (and the most fun) is that you can grab the embed code for an entire TV show, or even just a clip that you create, and embed it anywhere you want. Giving fans, viewers, and users the ability to do this without having to rip the content themselves is certainly a plus for most of us, and for NBC, who doesn’t want to see unauthorized, copyright protected clips on YouTube and elsewhere on the web. It appears that Hulu has decided not to fight the tide on this one. The commercials come with the clips when you embed them (a boon to Hulu and its advertisers), and when viewing one of their videos on a blog or elsewhere, double-clicking it brings you back to Hulu’s site (as in YouTube’s model). I’d highly prefer viewing without the commercials of this were ever a possibility, and I’d still like to see the ability to download entire episodes (without DRM) and remix the clips. Still, the functionality Hulu is providing its users is a step in the right direction.

Sadly I can’t get it to work here, but I’ve tried it elsewhere and it’s working in most places. Pretty cool!


Digital Identity, Social Networks and Learning Communities

I’ve been thinking a lot of about digital identities lately and all of the time that goes into crafting and maintaining them. It’s work, that is for sure. And somewhat reluctant to take on more work online than I already have, I have neglected my latest Facebook account that I recently started (again). I just don’t really want to log in to and check another online space at this time, although getting around to updating and maintaining it is inevitable.

Cole Camplese had an interesting post a week or two back about all the time it required to form new identities on new sites and how nice it would be if you could import your identity from one site to another, so you wouldn’t have to constantly recreate it. I am curious what Gen Y’s think of this option. Is it a blessing to be able to recreate yourself on different sites, especially for the younger generations whose identities are still evolving? When should permanent digital identity creation begin? During high school, during college, after both? (Harvard’s Digital Natives group has some interesting posts on this topic: see The Permanent Record and the rebuttal in The Permanent Record Part 2.)

Reading more on Cole’s blog, I stumbled upon Millis High School’s Web 2.0 and 21st Century Learning Wiki. What’s most impressive about this work, aside from the excellent content on the site, is that it was put together and is maintained by students (who also incidentally read Cole’s blog… wow!). Today’s high school students are savvier than ever about social networking, 21st century learning, and digital identities, and the generation after them will likely have a much different, more integrated experience as these technologies continue to overlap, evolve, and make their way into educational settings.

When I poll (informally, on elevator rides and in cafes) our university students here and ask them what they think of social networks and learning networks being on the same platform — say for example, your Blackboard site is located in Facebook — they are vehemently opposed to the idea. They want to keep their online social networks and learning networks separate — that’s they way it has always been for them, and that’s they way they like it. And, you’ve got to understand their point. They were the generation that explored and popularized online social networking before the rest of us even knew what was happening. (And unfortunately, most of these students have yet to experience the benefits of combined social networking and learning, at least in an educational setting.)

But the next generation, the Millennials, will be much more accustomed to learning communities and social networks being one in the same. How will this change their thinking and their creation of online identities? In some ways, Gen Y had the advantage of being able to explore this space and create themselves in their own Gen Y universe, before the rest of us caught up, understood, or could guide them in their interactions. The Millennials will have (and are already having) a much different experience.

What are your thoughts?