Pandora’s Promise Review

The Movie Pandora’s Promise is about nuclear power and the Earth’s future.  In the past, environmentalist believed nuclear power was unsafe. However majority of the scientists have changed their mind about nuclear power since then. This movies follow their change in opinions about nuclear power.

Nuclear gotten its bad reputation through several events where nuclear power caused damage to people and/or the environments. The first event was the Chernobyl disaster which happened in USSR back in 1986 or now the Ukraine. The town of Pripyat, closest town to the accident have to be evacuated and till now the buildings are still abandoned till this day. There is a recorded number of about 41 deaths of this accident, however only 32 from the actual accident, and the rest to be radioactive poisoning and other medical reasons.



The second event was the Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania of 1979. This incident was only a partial meltdown of the nuclear reactor. There were no results of death however since the accident was widely broadcasted it set its limit to nuclear power. It cost about $1billion and 14 years to clean up the incident.


The third event was the Fukushima nuclear accident. The cause of this incident was actually a tsunami and an earthquake of about a magnitude of 9 in Tōhoku of 2011. The tsunami and the earthquake caused equipment failure leading to radiation leakage. The placement of the plant was that of a bad idea because due to the accident the area around the nuclear power plant is inhabitable. The first thing they need was stability. But since Japan is well known for tsunami and earthquake building a nuclear power plant might not have been a good idea.


People have opinions of their own, where some think or believe it’s unsafe and dangerous to humans and the earth itself. However science has proven that Nuclear is less dangerous than coal a widely used fuel. Coal release more carbon dioxide to the Earth’s atmosphere then Nuclear power plants do. The Nuclear power plants are also helping keep nuclear war from happening by buying nuclear warheads from Russia and repurposing them to power generation. There are consequences however when using Nuclear Power. The waste from nuclear power plants takes a large amount of time to be disposed.

This movie is good way to teach people that how the evolution of science through the years have changed people’s opinion about nuclear power energy. People need to ignore the media because they accuse the nuclear power plant idea that they are unsafe but however have no scientific back ups.

I recommends this movie to anyone who are interested into nuclear power because the information presented are very interesting and also placed in a manner where it’s enjoyable.

2 thoughts on “Pandora’s Promise Review

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