Robotic Lecture (09/20/2012)

Today was September 20, 2012 and there was a great weather outside my classroom. In spite of hanging outside, I had a great time in my class with my partner, Yoshi, to make a robot.

To begin with, we got a battery in order to make the robot move. Meanwhile, we took a box with full of tools in order to make a model.

Our goal of today was to calculate the percentage errors of different powers (25,50,75,100).  To calculate this value, we need to how far can each power go. After our careful observations, we got our satisfying results, as well as the number that the wheel turned.

The formula of calculating the percentage error is:

Percentage error = [ |distance (ruler) – distance (robot) | / Average] * 100%

Average = (distance (ruler) + distance (robot)) /2

(This formula looked familiar to me as I used this formula since I was studying in High School Physics class. I know that the results will be ugly but it is normal. We calculated four percentage errors and the data were listed  below.)

Power(Port A)(Port B) Distance (m) Number of wheel turns Distance PercentageError
25 0.075 159.696 0.07663 2.15%
50 0.175 353.329 0.17246 1.46%
75 0.27 559.332 0.26846 2.40%
100 0.47 2.2333… 0.38509 19.9%

We also had two great photos uploaded to prove we had done a pretty great job today.

It was so glad to have an interesting robotics lecture today with my good pal, Yoshi. I am looking forward for another cooperation time with him.

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