Generator Lab
A) Overview
Today, my friend, Yoshi, and I had another lab based on a tube shaking, which has a magnet inside that will travel back and forth through a coil of wires.
B) Equipment
-One generator
-One voltage probe
-Battery, USB
C) Procedure
1. Yoshi shakes the tube at a particular rate.
2. I count the number of shakes in the data collecting interval (set to 30 seconds)
3. We calculate in Excel the sum of the squares of the voltages on the computer.
4. We repeat 1-3 three more times in different rates of shakes.
5. We plot the SSQV’s as a function of # of shakes and fit the result to a linear curve (See the graph below)
-Title: Sumsq of voltage vs. # of shakes of a generator
-x-axis: # of shakes
-y-axis: Sumsq of voltage (v^2)
E) Results analyzing
When the number of shakes increase, Sumsq of voltages increase.