By serving as a poll worker, you directly contribute to the smooth operation of elections. Your presence ensures that voting processes run efficiently and that every eligible voter can exercise their right to vote.

What is a poll worker?
Poll workers work at a single polling location on election day. They “power” democracy. They are ordinary people who make sure every election runs smoothly. They check voters in, hand voters ballots, assist voters with questions, and make sure everyone’s vote is counted. They are the “front-line” workers of democracy who make the voting process actually happen.
How much will I earn?
The City of Boston will pay you for your service. You earn $160+ for a day’s work + $30 to attend the required training. You must attend this 2-hour training session in advance of the election. The Boston Election Department runs this training.
What are the hours on Election Day?
The day is long — you have to be at your polling location by 6 AM. You typically leave at 9 PM.
What address should I provide when I fill out the City of Boston’s application?
My school address or the one where I am registered to vote? Students should give both addresses. They are asked to offer a “Residential Address” (i.e. their school address) and a “Mailing Address” (their home address (or where they want their check mailed to)).
If I’m working as a poll worker all day, how do I get to vote?
You will be given time during election day to vote IN BOSTON. If you DO NOT LIVE in Boston — i.e. you live in Malden or Worcester or Somerville, etc. — you may vote ABSENTEE ahead of time. You will need to go to (or call) your City or Town Election Department and request an absentee ballot. You will technically be “out of the jurisdiction” on election day — out of town — so you may vote absentee. Be sure to call ahead of time!
Poll Worker Training Schedule: Where can I find it?
The City of Boston’s Election Department offers several training sessions during the last two before the election sometimes up until the day before the election. The trainings are scattered throughout the City. Several are held at Boston City Hall. The Election Department has not yet released its training times/locations, but that should be available sometime in the next week. If they have called you to be a poll worker, you will receive this schedule via email
Earn Money and Work as a Poll Worker:
If you are interested, we will provide further information to help you. Please fill out this SUFFOLK form:
Be Poll Worker in Boston:
If you are an international student and want to assist as a translator, fill out this form too.
Be a Poll Worker in your local community (NOT BOSTON):
Volunteer for Social Media Monitoring and Stopping Misinformation:
If you are interested, we will provide further information to help you. Please fill out this SUFFOLK form:
If you definitely want to be a poll worker in the City of Boston, fill out this application form directly with the City of Boston Election Department: