Dreaming of jet-setting across the world, soaking in new cultures, and learning beyond the classroom? You’re in the right place! Our Study Abroad Mentors have been there, done that, and collected a ton of stories, wisdom, and maybe a few too many passport stamps along the way!! From navigating new cities to understanding different academic systems, they’ve got the insider scoop that every future traveler needs!
Whether you’re curious about the best coffee spots in London or how to make the most out of student life in Japan, our culturally diverse yet cool mentors are here to help! So don’t be shy—connect with them through by filling out this form or meet them at our info fairs and get the deets on studying abroad like a pro!
Your adventure starts now – ask away!!
Abigail Nallan
Public Relations
Hi! My name is Abby Nallan, and I studied abroad in London for the spring semester of my Sophomore year. London is the city that has always caught my eye, and from the start, I always knew that London was where I would end up on my journey abroad. Moving abroad is scary, but also exciting. It is filled with uncertainty, freedom, independence, and hardships. As an Abroad Rambassador, I am here to calm any nerves, answer questions, and excite you! This experience is guaranteed to change your life, and I am looking forward to supporting you in your own special journey.
Davina Freeman
Global Cultural Studies/Global Business
Hello! My name is Davina Freeman, and I am a junior this year at Suffolk. I am a Global Cultural Studies Major/Global Business, and I had the privilege of studying abroad in London this past spring. I had questioned if going to London was the right choice for me because all my friends had gone to Madrid. Going overseas by myself was something completely new to me, and I was worried that I would end up being all alone. I desired to make friends with the locals, but that ended up not happening. I questioned myself, wondering if I was the problem, but realized that maybe it just wasn’t meant to be. However, I met some of the best people studying abroad, from all over the world. I did not need to go study abroad, but I am so happy I did. I have no regrets and would do this all over again if I could!
Emily Passucci
Theatre/ Art
UCC, Ireland 2024
My name is Emily Pascucci and I studied abroad at University College Cork in Ireland for my Spring 24’ semester. I’m a Senior Theatre Major with an Arts Administration Minor. My time abroad helped me become a happier, more social, and overall well-rounded and grateful person. I truly cannot recommend it enough! I’m excited to be a Rambassador so I can help more people learn that going abroad and changing your life while traveling the world is possible!
Emmalyn Maher
Hi! My name is Em Maher and I am a junior at Suffolk. I studied abroad in Florence, Italy for the entire academic year 2023-2024 and I loved every second of it. As a sociology major and law minor, Lorenzo de Medici Institute offered many courses beyond gen-ed’s that I was able to take, like a class on the sociology of the mafia and international law. If you are looking into LdM or any other program in Florence, reach out! Thanks 🙂
Gabryella Rodrigues
Global Cultural Studies / Psychology
Hi everyone! My name is Gabryella Rodrigues and I’m in my senior year working toward a B.A. in Global Cultural Studies with a concentration in Interdisciplinary Arts. I am currently serving as president of the honors council and a teaching assistant for FYE. I am a recipient of the Gilman Scholarship which allowed me to study abroad in Florence, Italy, during the Fall of 2023. This experience was truly unforgettable. Florence’s rich blend of art, history, and culture allowed me to create lasting memories and forge life-long global connections. Thanks to the opportunities provided by Suffolk and the Gilman Scholarship, I’m passionate about encouraging others to study abroad and being a resource to help guide those interested through the process!
Gia DeLuca
Hi! I’m Gia and I’m a current third year. While majoring in English and minoring in Marketing, I decided to move my studies abroad during the Fall 2024 semester. I spent my time in Florence, Italy which is home to the iconic Statue of David! Studying abroad helped me gain a new insight to an entirely different world and culture. I learned how to better adapt to new people and a new way of life. I’m excited to be a Rambassador so that I can help other students experience this amazing opportunity!
Izabella Franco
Business Management & Marketing
Luiss, Italy, Fall 2024
Hi! I’m Izabella Franco, I’m a 20-year-old sophomore and I am double majoring in Business Management and Marketing. I studied abroad in Rome, Italy for the Fall semester of 2024. Studying abroad has significantly changed my life for the better and gave me the best opportunity to live my dream of traveling the world. I am excited to be a Rambassador to share my experiences with students who are excited and nervous about their trip! I want to be able to help everyone and anyone as much as I can!
Jacqueline Troast
Criminal Justice/Psychology
Hi, I’m Jacqueline (Jackie) Troast, a senior student majoring in Criminal Justice with a minor in Psychology at Suffolk University. I studied abroad in Florence, Italy, during the 2023-2024 academic year. The experience transformed my perspective, boosting my confidence and deepening my appreciation for culture and history. I’m excited to be a Study Abroad Rambassador to inspire and help others embrace the life-changing adventure of studying abroad!
Julia Mendes
Hi, my name is Julia. I’m a Finance and Technology Major, Class of 2027, and I studied abroad in London at the University of Westminster. I’m excited to be a Study Abroad Rambassador because I want to inspire and support other students in taking advantage of this life-changing opportunity. Studying abroad is an unforgettable experience, and I can’t wait to help others create their own amazing journeys!
Lauryn Blake
Hi everyone! My name is Lauryn and I’m a senior marketing major. I studied abroad in Fall of 2023 for a semester in Florence, Italy at LDM. I also went on a travel seminar in Spring 2023 to Costa Rica! I’m excited to be a Rambassador to help others get ready to make amazing memories and make them feel comfortable about the whole study abroad process!
Lindsey Salek
Political Science/Women’s and Gender Studies
Hello! My name is Lindsey, I am a Junior studying Political Science, and last spring, I studied abroad at the University of Roehampton in London. I am so excited to be a Rambassador and have an opportunity to answer questions for and offer advice to other students considering studying abroad! Studying abroad is one of the best ways to get to know yourself and grow as an independent student and person, and I really would recommend it for everyone.
Madison Martins
Political Science/ English
Hello! My name is Madison Martins, and I am a junior Political Science major with an English minor. I studied abroad in Madrid last spring, and it was the best decision I have ever made! I was hesitant to study in a different country at first, but stepping out of my comfort zone led me to creating the best memories. I am here for any questions that you may have during your study abroad application process and experience.
Marcus Frem
Hello! I’m Marcus and I am class of 2026 entrepreneurship major. I spent my sophomore spring semester studying abroad at Regents University in London, England. Studying abroad has been one of the best experiences of my life thus far. You will meet people from all over the world. I made many lifelong friends and memories, as well as grown as a person. I love traveling and being active and I am super excited to be a new study abroad rambassador! Would rate studying abroad a 10/10
Michele McCue
Public History/Arts Administration
Hi my name is Michele (she/her) and I am studying public history and arts administration. I studied abroad in Madrid my sophomore year in Spring 2024. Study abroad changed my life because it let me see more of the more in a more accessible way. I was able to see countries I never even thought I would be able to visit and learned how to be more independent in the process. I am excited to be a Rambassador because I want to share my experiences with other people who may be scared to study abroad.
Miranda Knappe
Global Business/Finance
Hello! My name is Miranda. I am a current junior studying Global Business and Finance. I studied in Madrid, Spain for a semester in Spring 2024. Studying abroad truly changed my life for the better. It taught me vital intercultural communication skills that apply directly to my studies. It also helped me learn more about myself and embrace my independence. Additionally, I was lucky enough to improve my Spanish and immerse myself in the culture.
Nadia Ciecko
Law/International Relations
Hi everyone! My name is Nadia Ciecko and I am a junior at Suffolk University! I’m currently majoring in law and minoring in international relations! During the spring of 2023, I had an incredible opportunity to travel to Italy as part of a Global Travel Seminar and got to see the vibrant business scenes in Rome, Milan, and Florence. Students attend three-four classes before the trip that are specifically focused on that location, thus providing them with a strong foundation that helps them actively participate during the trip. I was also able to learn firsthand how Italian businesses function differently from American ones, in addition to fully immersing myself in Italian culture.
Even though this seminar was only a week-long, I met lifelong friends and had a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Although initially, it was nerve-wracking to not know anyone I was going abroad with since I was the only freshman and most of my peers were either juniors or seniors, participating in this study abroad program has made me more outgoing, and made me step out of my comfort zone. Even though it was for a short period, I’ve learned so much and I am eager to share my knowledge with all of you!
Sharaden Caldwell
US History
Hello my name is Sharaden Caldwell! I am a history major and graduate in 2027. I studied abroad at the beautiful University of Westminster in London this fall. Studying abroad changed my life because I was able to experience historical sites that I could only see in Europe. While studying abroad I was able to visit 14 new countries and experience their cultures, foods, and people. I am excited to be a Rambassador because I want to help other students have an amazing experience abroad too!
William Fithian
Journalism/Public Relations
Hi, I’m Will, and I studied abroad in Madrid, Spain for a semester. A lot of people make fun of that silly little phrase, “study abroad changed my life,” and I did not think it actually would. Studying abroad is a gateway to gaining independence you never knew you had! It truly is a once-in-a-lifetime experience to be able to meet people all over the world and build personal + professional relationships in so many different countries. A little bit about me is that I am a Junior broadcast journalism major, and studying abroad opened so many career pathways that I did not know. If I could study abroad for the rest of my life I so would.