Upcoming Events: Week of 2/4/2013


SO FIT: Become a part of So Fit and make your Februany worth more than a $5 footlong!  Email sofit@suffolk.edu

Stephen D. Paine Scholarship Exhibition: Check out the artwork of the winners of the Stephen D. Paine Scholarship at the Gallery at NESAD! Now-March 16th

Faculty Exhibit: From now until March 5th check out artwork created by the professors at NESAD in the Adams Gallery located in the Suffolk Law School!

Monday 4th

  • OCHO INFO SESSION!!…with a twist! Get a clue with Avenue Q! Cast members of Suffolk’s spring musical and commuter ambassadors will explain the housing search at these fun information sessions. After our short presentation on how to find your new home, play trivia, enjoy snacks, and remember—there is life outside of your apartment! 150 Basement at 7:00.

Tuesday 5th

  • Black History Month Opening Ceremony: Join us in celebration of Black History Month and engage in Dr. Joyce McNickles’ presentation entitled “Whose Black History? Are we Telling the Whole Story?” The location is Donahue 403 and refreshments provided. 1:00-2:30pm; Donahue 403
  • Know How: (cinema) With over 18 years of experience working in the field of youth development and the arts, Paul Griffin, founder and president of The Possibility Project, joins us as a Distinguished Visiting Scholar for a three-day residency. You’re invited to join us for a sneak peek of his upcoming film, “Know How”, written by and starring foster care youth in NYC. 5:00-7:30 in C.Walsh

Wednesday 6th

  • Gun Rights, Gun Wrongs, Gun Policy: A discussion with the Philosophy Department’s Greg Fried. Follow the link below to access the discussion articles. Sponsored by the Philosophy Department and the Suffolk Philosophy Society. All are welcome; refreshments will be served. 1-2:15 10th Floor conference room of 73. Articles 

Thursday 7th

  • SketchHaüs: Your very own InstaRam team is performing with Sketchual Misconduct as an opening act for Improv Boston’s SketchHaus! Tickets are only $10 with a student ID! Show is at 9:00 right off of Central Square in Cambridge! Buy Tickets Here
  • Spring Showcase: Watch 4 amazing acts of student written and directed performances! Come to laugh, cry, and be inspired by our fellow students. The show is free and will take place in the studio theatre at 8:00, but be sure to reserve your seat!
  • Reserve Tickets Here

Friday 8th

  • Spring Showcase: Watch 4 amazing acts of student written and directed performances! Come to laugh, cry, and be inspired by our fellow students. The show is free and will take place in the studio theatre at 8:00, but be sure to reserve your seat! Reserve Tickets Here
  • First Friday Concert Series! The Guilty Sparks Featuring: NICK AIKENS on Lead vocals and keys, LUKE BERGAMINI on Guitar and backup vox,  SEAN EAGAN on Bass, and NICO RENZUILI on Drums. Performing covers and original songs with FREE entrance, FREE snacks and FREE drinks! Doors open at 6:45 in the 150 basement!

Saturday 9th

  • Spring Showcase: Watch 4 amazing acts of student written and directed performances! Come to laugh, cry, and be inspired by our fellow students. The show is free and will take place in the studio theatre at 3:00 and 8:00, but be sure to reserve your seat!Reserve Tickets Here

Sunday 10th

  • Spring Showcase: Watch 4 amazing acts of student written and directed performances! Come to laugh, cry, and be inspired by our fellow students. The show is free and will take place in the studio theatre at 3:00, but be sure to reserve your seat! Reserve Tickets Here

About erical

PR Major at Suffolk University ASK ME ANYTHING ABOUT WHAT'S GOING ON EVERYWHERE...I probably know the answer ;) I've been involved with so much at Suffolk, (InstaRamSU, Program Council, Women's Tennis, Sketchual Misconduct, Assistant Stage Managing, Summer Conference Assistant, SLI Office Assistant, and Alternative Spring Break) I can get you the answer no problem...
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