
Name: Isabela Daudt

Where are you originally from? Porto Alegre, Brazil

Where are you currently living (neighborhood/town)? Mission Hill

Where did you complete your undergrad degree and what is your degree in?American International College (AIC), Marketing and International Business

Are you studying full-time or part-time? Full-time

Do you have work experience? If so, where/what have you done prior to starting your graduate degree? I have completed two internships: International Online Marketing Internship at Bibi Calcados during summer 2016 in Brazil, and Marketing Internship at Rosedale Farms and Vineyards (Simsbury, CT) during spring 2017.

Why did you choose to pursue the degree you are currently pursuing? To expand my business knowledge, skills and connections to become more competitive when applying for full-time marketing positions here in the United States.

What is your ultimate career goal? I would love to achieve a leadership position and/or have my own company in the Marketing Research/Consumer Behavior field.

What has been your favorite part of your graduate experience so far? An awesome event with great food involved is always a good idea for me! Lunch with a Leader and the International Night were deliciously fun times to share with my friends and great opportunities to meet new people. I will definitely add them to my annual calendar.

What advice would you give to incoming SBS grad students? Take advantage of the many workshops and networking events provided by Suffolk and the school’s organizations – they will give you the competitive edge you need to be more successful inside and outside the classroom.

Share a fun fact about yourself: I’ve been playing tennis since I was 4 years old and I was able to come study in the United States five years ago under an athletic scholarship for it.

Isabela Daudt, MBA ’19

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