Name: Danielle Heath
Where are you originally from? Albany, NY
Where are you currently living (neighborhood/town)? South Boston
Where did you complete your undergrad degree and what is your degree in?University of Rhode Island, Public Relations
Are you studying full-time or part-time? Full-time
Do you have work experience? If so, where/what have you done prior to starting your graduate degree? Before choosing to go back to school full time, I worked at a public relations firm in Boston.
Why did you choose to pursue the degree you are currently pursuing? Since my undergrad degree was not in business, I really wanted to learn more about how to run a business.
What is your ultimate career goal? I would like to have my own social media marketing firm geared toward restaurants and food-related products.
What has been your favorite part of your graduate experience so far? Attending events such as Lunch with a Leader, GSA and SUGBA socials, and International Night to get a chance to talk with classmates outside of the classroom.
What advice would you give to incoming SBS grad students? Get to know your classmates and form study groups. I wouldn’t have been successful in any classes so far without studying and sharing ideas with friends/classmates.
Share a fun fact about yourself: I have a Boston-based food Instagram account (@BostonBehavior).