Getting involved with the Boston community is the biggest advantage of being a Suffolk MBA student. Being able to go to corporate trips two blocks from the University or to a networking event right after class is priceless. I was one of the 20 students to attend the Carbonite trip on Friday 21st of October. Not only were we able to interact with potential employers and colleagues, but we were also able to show them Suffolk MBA students’ potential.
We were given a real case study relating to the cloud storing and backup industry. Our teams worked under pressure to analyze the problem, brainstorm ideas and deliver the best solution. We were able to implement and demonstrate our problem solving, time management and team building skills. Finalizing the trip, we had time to enjoy the Carbonite environment and mingle with current employees.
This experience is not isolated to one company or an industry, but is applicable in our everyday lives. We encounter problems daily and are forced to make decisions on the spot. Collaboration on a complex situation is required in the workforce. Lastly, connecting with professionals is how you build your career network.
I strongly encourage all my fellow MBA students to take advantage of the opportunities to engage with local companies during your studies, explore Boston and most importantly get to know professionals, faculty and alumni. Those connections will make the difference in the future.
– Nathalie Sanchez, MBA in Strategic Management ‘17