Day at the Museum (of Science).

As a course of technology and energy, we went to the Museum of Science. I spent several hours there and were able to pick up a lot more things than I expected.

Twenty minutes walk to the museum from school was definitely worth it. I first started at the section for electricity. I practiced some binary code related problems, and learned about the waveform of sound in different quality level. The most significant thing was an elder volunteered worker there explained to me about the way the computer reduces the size, or lowering the quality, of a picture or a piece of audio. I could relate that to what I learned in the Linear System class which involves with creating a square-wave with a sine-wave function. From what I learned, a sine-wave is more detailed than a square-wave, and therefore has better quality and takes more space to be stored.

Then I went to a section, might be an exhibition, regarding the “SS Republic” ship. The ship was lost in a hurricane nearby Georgia in 1865. I saw the coins, vessels, and different accessories that used to be on the ship. Also a video showing how the ship has sunk.

There was a small section in the middle of the hall with the inventions of some chemical engineers and their discoveries. The most significant one to me was a new fiber that can be very effective when used on bulletproof vest. Many people’s lives have been saved because of it.

There was one section that I had to quickly skip through because of the enlarged insect models. However, I did learn a lot from the animal section right next to it. I also went to a section about gem stones and saw how they look like before being made into jewels.

I wish I had more time because I was forced to leave the museum by five, and I was not yet finished with all the sections.

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