Experiment Outline


For this experiment we are going to observe and record the energy content of different materials. Namely, wood(pinecones, twigs), leaves, and oil(sunflower or corn). The materials are going to be burned and the heat from the flame will cause a temperature change in a fixed amount of water above the flame. This recorded temperature change will be used to calculate the energy released by the sample. This will be recorded by the Vernier temperature probe using the Vernier computer interface.  In the end the results will be compared and contrasted with other biomass samples.

Listed below are the materials that will be used and the procedure for this experiment:





2 stirring rods


computer interface balance


small can

Vernier Temperature

Probe slit stopper

2 samples (pinecones, leaves, cooking oil)

sample holder

ring stand and 10 cm (4″)

ring matches

100 mL graduated cylinder

wooden splint


1) Connect the probe to the computer and open LoggerPro

2) Find and record initial mass of the sample and the holder

3) Construct apparatus according to diagram

4) Place 50mL of cold water into can

5) initiate recording on interface, then place burning sample into holder

6) Record results, repeat for other samples

7) Record data in charts provided

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