BP oil spill

On February 20th of 2010 the BP oil spill, spilled 17 to 39 million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. This spill had tragic effects on both the environment and the people who live and work near the area.

The eco system of both the Gulf and its coastline has been severely damaged. Recently after the spill it was reported that 150 endangered sea turtles and 316 sea birds were found dead as a result of the spill. All and all, more than 8,000 birds, sea turtles, and marine mamals were found injured or dead in the six months after the spill. It can only be expected that these numbers have risen substantially since. The large amount of oil spilled also killed many fish which hurt fishing communities and will continue to do so for years to come. In 2008 commercial fisheries brought $659 million in shellfish and finfish in 2008 giving you an idea of how reliant the economy of those communities is reliant on fish.

It is clear from this and the other oil spill that have occurred throughout history that off shore drilling is very risky business. I only hope that this event will strengthen the argument to decrease the usage of oil in this country to the point of actual change.




http://beforeitsnews.com/story/82/021/Sea_Life_Flocks_Tp_Coast_To_Avoid_BP_Gulf _Oil_Spill_As_Millions_of_Dead_Fish_Float_Ashore.html

After thoughts:

In researching for this blog post I was very surprised to see that there were very few recent articles on the updates of the BP oil spill. The spill has been sealed, but there is little coverage on how much damage has been done and what the long term effects will be as of now.

Researching this also brought to mind where I was during the week of the spill. At that time I was working on an organic farm in Sweden. The owners of the farm I would call very liberal, and their response to the event was that of an “I told you so” response to American ways. I found this very unfortunate because I saw how an event like this, one that many Americans feel angry towards, can cause foreigners to group all Americans in with the company that is responsible for this devastating event.

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