Using the Lego Mindstorm set, I was able to get a quick introduction on how to utilize the tools and software given to us and implement skills I have learned previously. The task given to us was to estimate how far our vehicle would move based on the circumference of the wheel and then compare those results to actual tests. By comparing those two values one is able to determine a percentage of error. Although it was pretty basic, it touched upon various aspects of labs and how projects are carried out.
Month: September 2015
Obama and Climate Change
Obama acknowledges the fact that the human race is in trouble due to our excessive use of fossil fuels that has lead to global warming. If no action is taken and we ignore the issues, it will be our future generations that will suffer the consequences and Obama hopes to avoid that by fighting the issue. Listed on the white house website (, our president breaks down the issue and explains the deteriorating effects to our society, Not only that but it also provides a solution. Obama’s plan includes building an infrastructure for clean and renewable energy and expanding it by investing in it’s potential to create jobs. Besides creating a more efficient infrastructure, he also plans to reduce emissions from power plants, cutting energy waste nationwide in homes and businesses, and reducing other emissions other than carbon dioxide. These are not just empty promises as the website also lists the progress that has occurred over the years for each goal Obama has created. Obama has also raised public awareness of the issue by speaking publicly as documented in a Rolling Stone interview ( By raising awareness it gives the issue a need for immediate attention as demanded by the public. In earlier efforts, the United States opted out of the Kyoto Protocol due to issues with China, but Obama has now outlined a plan to work together with China to reduce emissions to slow down global warming, a huge step as both countries emit massive amounts of emissions (
Based on the article, I take a stance for the use of G.M.O.s as the scientists who have modified the genetics have good intentions. We should not ban the process of modifying our crops especially in today’s society where food production is in high demand due to our growing population. Not only that but the article also mentions that minimal research has gone into G.M.O.s to conclude that there are negative consequences. G.M.Os have helped farmers tremendously in respect to the multiple plants that have been saved from dying of viruses and diseases. The naysayers prove a point when mentioning that we should not produce food that we have little knowledge about but I counter that in addressing its necessity. In the future it has the potential to be a great ally to our society, allowing us to produce food in mass quantities under shorter timespans from the planting stage to the harvesting stage.
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