Sunlight : A big and free source of energy

    We already know that solar energy and the use photovoltaic  panel is the future of renewable energy; therefore we shouldn’t be surprised that countries around the world are starting to integrate this methods among their  energy sources. After doing some research on the implementation of solar panels around the world, I have to admit that I was not surprised  that countries such as Japan, China, and  Germany are among the top list of countries using this energy method. [4]

solar table

Table 1 :   Top 10 countries  generating photovoltaic power [4]

    According to  the energy informative; “ Germany has by far the highest capacity of solar photovoltaic power (PV) in the world at 32,4 GW (31%) at the end of 2012. Newly connected PV systems worth 7.6 GW were added this year. Germany’s solar panels generated about 23 TWh (terawatt hours) of electricity in 2012, which is impressive, but still only covers 3% of the country’s total electricity consumption.” [4]

    On the other hand, in the geographical center of Japan we have a 315m-wide, 37m-tall facility named The Solar Ark. This structure is an ark-shaped solar photovoltaic power generator that offers activities to cultivate a better appreciation of solar power generation, and thereby of both ecology and science. [1]  This ark is formed by over 5000 panels and produces over 500 000 kWh of energy per year[5]


Image 1 : The Solar Ark in Japan

    Similarly in Dezhou, a city located in the northwest of Shandong province, in China is branding itself as a Solar City, and a national center using green energy. [2] This solar city has among its structures , the  largest solar powered building in the world [4].  It it thank to this structure that China’s nation has been able to save 30% more  energy than the standard.  [4]


Image 2:  Solar City in China

    Even though one of the main factors that prompted several countries to convert to using solar power is the fact that the energy completely renewable, [3] I believe that not all the countries should use photovoltaic cells and solar energy their main source of energy.  Countries should  individually consider the benefits and disadvantages of implementing this renewable energy  source in their territory, specially those   countries that are  farther  away from the Equator should consider other sources of energy besides  solar panels.  Then as well, those countries that are  near the Equator  that experience  direct sunlight  all year long should  consider  the use of solar panels as one of their primary sources for energy.







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