Author Archives: ssearcy

Kim Possible: Teenage Ass Kicking Super Hero or Over Sexualized “Midriff”???

ts.jpgI thought about some of the shows that I used to watch on the Disney Channel over the last few years and remembered the show “Kim Possible”. A high school student, crime fighting, cheerleading girl that was designed to appeal to younger girl and maybe even a few boys.

But there was something about Kim Possible that I never paid much attention to before. She wore less clothing than the “average” teenager in my opinion. I don’t know too many parents who would allow their daughters to walk out the house everyday wearing tight pans and crop tops with their navels out. Even at the age of 20, my dad tries to give his opinion on my attire when I go out with friends (not that I really listen to what he has to say anyway). But all of Kim Possible’s clothes were extremely tight and her stomach was ALWAYS out from what I can recall and she had an hour glass type figure which I envied. Her crime fighting black suit included tight black pants and a crop top, her everyday outfits were similar and her cheerleading uniform was a skirt with another half top.

To some parents who are over analytical, Kim Possible may be too sexy for their daughters to watch and maybe even look up to. To younger girls she is a hero and a cheerleader, to younger boys the cartoon is violent and what 10 year old boy dosen’t like violence?

Maybe Kim Possible is just some guy’s idea of his dream girl. She kicks ass, she goes to school she’s a cheerleader and she kicks more ass. There’s some sex and some violence in the form of a cartoon. And who dosen’t enjoy a nice balance of sex and violence today??? Yes Kim Possible may be a little too “sexy” in the eyes of some parents BUT I’d rather my child watch Kim Possible then watch the New Brittney Spears “Womanizer” video….Wouldn’t you???

Boston “Nightlife”

Boston has some of the best colleges and universities in the U.S but has probably the worst nightlife imaginable. If you’re a person that doesn’t enjoy going out or if you just like events that end early then Boston is the place for you. The clubs let out by 2 am and if you aren’t 21 you might as well forget about going to anything downtown. For a city that depends on the colleges and their students as a major source of income, it denies its residents a variety of things to do at night, at least until your 21.

Social Networks

Facebook and Myspace have become 2 of the largest and most popular social networks for people that are in high school and college. Both of these social networks allow users to post personal pictures and pictures celebrities and other people that are popular figures that we see on TV, magazines and other forms of media. Users are able to post what they like and dislike on their profile pages and can create groups expressing their same likes or dislikes. On these networks the things that separate us and make us “unique” in a sense can also bring its users together to share their opinions on different figures and events we may consider being popular.

My Facebook page for instance has a small list of movies and tv shows that I like to watch and lists the genres of music i’m into. My myspace page on ther other hand lists, pictures and a play list that i had created to several artist within those specific genres. These social networks I feel could give people slight idea of what my interest are and what makes up my personality in this small “shrine” of my personal intrest.

Golden Eye 007

“007″When I was about 10 my former best friend got me into this game “Golden Eye 007” based on the James Bond movies. At that time I hadn’t seen ANY James Bond movies, but I was completely obsessed with the game. In fact, I begged my mother for the game and being the brat I was at the time I got it.

And I played the hell out of that game. Me, my brother and his friends would play this for hours on end. They’d always accuse me of cheating because I always picked the “stack” level and managed to win almost every round we played. I can admit, I always picked that particular level because I knew where all the hiding places were and the good weapons. I wouldn’t consider that cheating just an intelligent strategy. And being that the game was in my room, and I was the oldest, I had the final say (at least until my brother would tell my mom). But like many of my dolls, games and other toys I became bored with it after a while because I couldn’t beat it. There was one level “The Jungle” that I would ALMOST beat but then I’d die at the final moments. I eventually unplugged my Nintendo 64 console and eventually put it in the back of my closet, but somehow it managed to resurface my freshmen year in college.

Me and a bunch of my guy friends ended up having a conversation about old games we played when we were younger and a week later me and about 5 other guys from my dorm were playing “Golden Eye 007” like we were 10 and 11 again. Apparently I hadn’t lost too much of my skill, being that I managed to win about 10 straight matches against a bunch of 20 year old testosterone driven game junkies. The only thing different this time: I wasn’t accused of “cheating”. I just happened to be better. ☺