Last class we had another interesting demonstration from Tom, this time he brought in a Telsa coil. A Tesla coil is pretty old technology, from the 1890’s. It’s basically an electrical circuit that can transfer energy wireless. The Tesla coil he brought in looks similar to the one below, not quite but they are all basically constructed the same way.
The hopes behind this technology was that it could one day power homes, so there would be no need for outlets because the energy needed to power items could be transmitted wirelessly. Obviously we know that that didn’t quite work out. The energy is still being transferred, but it interferes with things like pacemakers, so it is not particle to use in everyday life.
Even though it can’t be used to power houses, Tesla coils are still pretty cool and interesting to look at. Tom showed us that light bulbs can light up when held near the Tesla coil. It also gives off sparks, which are pretty intimidating, but they are harmless. The larger the Tesla coil, the larger the sparks; some are taller than the average man and shoot sparks over 100 feet long! He also held a pole to the spark, and you would think that it would shock him, but the energy just flows right around and into the ground. Another interesting thing he showed us was that if you balance a paperclip on the tip it will spin, which basically creates a little motor.
Although the technology didn’t live up to its hopes, it’s still pretty cool.