Solyndra scandal

THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED: In August 2009, White House staff repeatedly asked Office of Management and Budget officials about the status of a $535 million loan to the solar-panel manufacturer Solyndra. Then, the company filed for bankruptcy. Two days later, the FBI raided its offices in Delaware, refusing to discuss details of the investigation. The loan was granted by the Department of Energy under the green-infrastructure provisions of President Obama’s $787 billion stimulus bill, and OMB officials privately said they felt pressured to approve the loan prematurely. White House officials made their inquiries to OMB just weeks before Vice President Biden announced the loan at a ground-breaking ceremony in September, part of his long campaign to promote stimulus-spending projects across the country.

THE CONTROVERSY: House Republicans have alleged that the White House pressured OMB to approve the loan prematurely, despite Solyndra’s financial problems. The implication is that they did so for political reasons, as the administration was rushing to promote green stimulus spending.

Republicans have thrown into question the motivation behind and execution of the government’s green stimulus spending, at a time when President Obama’s poll numbers are sagging as he struggles to improve the economy. Early in his presidency, he promised green spending as a measure to alleviate unemployment and improve America’s infrastructure. With unemployment still sitting at 9.1 percent, the Solyndra questions add even more doubts and baggage to a politically troubled program.

For environmentalists and supporters of green technology spending, the Solyndra scandal throws such spending into political danger. If White House officials handled taxpayer dollars irresponsibly for the sake of promoting Obama’s signature piece of legislation at the time, it would constitute a potential ethical lapse that resonates with criticisms against the stimulus and ballooning deficits.

President Obama is still being asked about Solyndra.  Obama still supports a healthier, cleaner environment policy.   As it turns out, the people involved in Solyndra backed Obama throughout his fundraising.  When Obama was elected, he made a push for the loan to be granted. The price of clean energy subsidies in general have fallen over the years and that makes it possible to sell at more competitive prices.  People are more cautious over any big tax breaks now because of the Solyndra scandal.  These newer companies are saying the breaks they seek will only apply to the businesses and it will bring in new jobs in an economy that doesn’t have any.


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