Natural Gas Hydraulic Fracturing (hydrofracking):

What is Hydrofracking?
Slick water hydraulic fracturing, also known as hydrofracking, is a new development in natural gas extraction. This process makes mining for natural gas in dense shale more economically possible, where before it was not.
Hydro-Fracking, sometimes called hydrofracturing, is a well development process that increases the flow of water from a bedrock well by increasing the size and extent of the bedrock fractures that bring water into the well. The procedure involves subjecting the bedrock formation to water pressure sufficiently high enough to either extend existing bedrock fractures or create new fractures. Hydro Fracking is a more COST EFFECTIVE alternative than drilling deeper. Water is injected into low-yield water well at a high pressure and volume opening up and cleaning out the existing fractures found in the rock.
“Hydraulic Fracturing for Natural Gas Pollutes Water Wells”
I looked up a story headlined “Hydraulic Fracturing for Natural Gas Pollutes
Water Wells” written in March of 2011 expressing concerns in the state of Pennsylvania. With locals worried about water contamination around the site of hydrofracking in Penn, a study has been performed showing there has been pollution detected within a mile of the sites.  The contaminants are known to be high levels of methane being found in drinking water if the communities were extracting from wells.  While learning that this type of problem is not something that is unexpected, more research was done determining the methane being released from fracking was newer gas and this gives evidence of negative effects from the process.
I completely empathize with their concerns and feel there are steps and
restrictions that should be made to ensure the well being of not only the home
owners in the area, but the environment as a whole.
Hydraulic fracturing is essential for the production of natural gas and oil from shale formations.
 Fracing fluids are comprised of approximately 98% water and sand and are handled in selfcontained
 Freshwater aquifers are protected by multiple layers of protective steel casing surrounded by cement. This is administered and enforced under state regulations.
 Deep shale natural gas and oil formations exist many thousands of feet underground

Hydraulic fracturing FACTS

Hydraulic fracturing, commonly referred to as fracing, is a proven technological advancement that allows natural gas and oil producers to safely recover natural gas and oil from deep shale formations. This discovery has the potential to not only dramatically reduce our reliance on foreign fuel imports, but also to do so in an economically and environmentally responsible manner. Simply put, deep shale natural gas and oil development is critical to America’s energy needs and its economic renewal. Experts have known for years that natural gas and oil deposits existed in deep shale formations, but until recently the vast quantities of natural gas and oil in these formations were not thought to be recoverable. Today, through the use of hydraulic fracturing and sophisticated horizontal drilling techniques, extraordinary amounts of natural gas and oil are being safely produced from deep shale formations across the country.
Hydraulic fracturing has been used by the industry since the 1940s and has become a key element of natural gas and oil development worldwide. In fact, this process is used in nearly all natural gas wells drilled in the United States today. Properly conducted modern fracing is a highly engineered, controlled, sophisticated and safe procedure.

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