1/27 My Robots Velocity



On the 2nd week of messing around with our Robots, we calculated the Distance, Wheel turns and Velocity. In this activity we had to measure the distance and velocity of or robotic car by setting the wheels so that the car would go straight and with the help of a ruler determine the distance the wheels traveled and the speed at which our car traveled as well. The first step was to measure the diameter of the wheel of out car which was 5.5 cm.  Once we had the diameter, using a simple formula, we multiply the ratio of the wheel times PIE, and divided by the number of degrees the wheel had turned.  Our software gave us the actual rotation in degrees and the number of turns. Given that a complete turn is 360 degrees.The software also recorded the time it took to travel from point A to point B, which is the base of figuring the velocity of our car. The more turns, the further the car traveled.

Below are me & my partners results while testing out our Robotic car.

Circumference (Wheel diameter)(m)= 0.157

#wt= 3.25556




1st Distance =0.49236


54 centimeters (.54 m) @75

Error= 9%


2nd Distance=0.465331


46 centimeters (.46m) @69



3rd Distance=0.459225


46 centimeters (.46m) @73



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