“The ways the automobile industry is using to increase gas mileage.”

The automobile industry has been in our everyday lives for years now, and has been evolving day by day. The 21st century brought a plethora of changes, positive and negative. One negative change that has occurred is the economic downfall that brought along with it, the rise of gas prices and job loss in the United States. The rising gas prices and job depression gave the automobile industry a hard hit economically, which has inevitably made the automobile industry make changes, from making hybrid cars to try to increase gas mileage.

“Four years ago, the American auto industry was so opposed to higher fuel economy standards that executives of Detroit camped out in Washington in an unsuccessful bid to undercut them”(Vlasic, Carmakers Back Strict New Rules for Gas Mileage).  The times are changing now; the American auto industry is not as opposed to higher fuel economy standards because of the changing times and changing economic statuses. “ On Friday, when President Obama announced even stricter standards- In fact, the largest increase in mileage requirements since the government began regulating consumption of gasoline by cars in the 1970’s. While the American carmakers, as well as their Asian rivals, once argued against even minimal increases in government fuel rules, they are acquiescing without protest to an increase to 54.4 miles per gallon by 2025, from the current 27 miles per gallon(2011)”(Vlasic, Carmakers Back Strict New Rules for Gas Mileage).  It is important for the automobile industry to take in to consideration the economy and the earth when making these standards for gas mileage. It seems crazy to me to think that cars could eventually have 54.4 miles per gallon by 2025… that could be amazing! “ The new standards are seen by the Obama administration as critical to reducing oil consumption and cutting consumer expenses at the pump, and the Whit House made it clear to Detroit executives that the changes were coming and they needed to cooperate”(Vlasic, Carmakers Back Strict New Rules for Gas Mileage).  Not only is Obama and the country hoping for better gas mileage but they are also improving the hybrid cars which are also a very important factor in this transition to better gas mileage.

The United States is not the only country imposing these new standards but China is finding importance in this issue as well. “Worried about heavy reliance on imported oil, Chinese officials have drafted automotive fuel economy standards that are even more stringent than those outlined by President Obama”(Bradsher, China Is Said to Plan Strict Gas Mileage Rules). It is important for China to realize the problem so that the problems of low gas mileage can try to be stopped/fixed. “The new plan would require automakers in China to improve fuel economy by an additional 18% by 2015, said An Feng, a leading architect of China’s existing fuel economy regulations who is now the president of the innovation Center for Energy and Transportation, a nonprofit group in Beijing”(Bradsher, China Is Said to Plan Strict Gas Mileage Rules).  China has a high population, making the amount of cars on the street a lot more. “ The average fuel economy of family vehicles in China is already higher than in the United States, mainly because cars in China tend to be considerably smaller than those in the United States- and are getting even smaller because of recent tax changes. Cars with small fuel-sipping engines are now subject to a 1% sales tax, while sports cars and sport utility vehicles with the largest engines are subject to a 40% sales tax. Stricter fuel economy standards have won support from four interest groups within the Chinese government”(Bradsher, China Is Said to Plan Strict Gas Mileage Rules).  Eventually this tax decrease for more efficient cars is going to increase over China and even in the United States, and is a great incentive for these countries to pick a more fuel efficient car like a hybrid over lets say a Hummer.

The Federal Trade Commission comes out with consumer reports on how to save money at the pump, and this report is on tips to stretch the gas dollar at the pump. Some of the tricks are pretty interesting, and ones that anyone on any day can do to save money. “ While on the road, start driving as soon as the engine is started. Modern engines don’t need much time to warm up. The engine actually warms up more quickly once the car is operating, and will stay warm after stopping. Avoid unnecessary idling. It wastes fuel, costs yu money, and pollutes the air. Turn off the engine if you anticipate a wait.  Gas mileage decreases rapidly at speeds above 60 miles per hour. According to Fueleconomy.gov, each 5mph you drive over 60mph is like paying an additional 24 cents per gallon of gas”(Federal Trade Commission, 2011).  Like these three ways to save gas mileage there are many more alternatives to try while congress is finalizing the ways to increase gas mileage.


Work Cited:

Vlasic, Bill. “Carmakers Back Strict New Rules for Gas Mileage.”          New York Times. 28 July 2011. Web. 6 Mar. 2012.          <Carmakers Back Strict New Rules for Gas Mileage>.


Bradsher, Keith. “China Is Said to Plan Strict Gas Mileage Rules –          NYTimes.com.” The New York Times – Breaking News,          World News & Multimedia. 27 May 2009. Web. 06 Feb.                   2012.          <http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/28/business/energy-         environment/28fuel.html >.


“Saving Money at the Pump: Tips to Stretch Your Gas Dollars.”          Federal Trade Commission. May 2011. Web. 07 Feb. 2012.     <http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/edu/pubs/consumer/alerts/alt064.sht         m>.


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Demand Response

In order to have a discussion on demand response I think that it is important to have you as the reader understand how demand response works, and the basics around the concept.  Because we live in the 21st century we are surrounded by electronics, most of us myself definitely included can’t live without my cell phone, lap top, and can’t even imagine living without electricity.  Electricity is where demand response comes into play. “ When you turn on an appliance, you expect immediate results: you don’t want for a light bulb to come on after you’ve flipped the switch. Electricity isn’t stored in a tank in your yard, so when you need it within the immediate response this is where the power grid comes into play”(Maria Trimarchi, How Demand Response Works).  This immediate response that we are all so accustomed to is partially because of demand response.

Essentially the minimum of energy and electricity that we all use on a daily basis is what the base load from the ‘grid’ handles.  “When you flip a light switch, electricity travels in an instant to your home and the bulb grows- that’s called demand. When millions of electricity customers all turn on their air conditioners after work, it increases the demand load on the grid”(Maria Trimarchi, How Demand Response Works).

The demand response is important especially in the 21st century because of our use of electricity, and how some can have the tendency to overuse electricity. I know that I have been guilty of leaving a light on from time to time when I leave the room or leave my apartment. This overuse of electricity is what can overuse the demand load on the grid, which can lead to a power outage.  “ The power grid supplies only the electricity we ask for, thought, and it’s up to us to practice energy conservation.”( Maria Trimarchi, How Demand Response Works).

Demand response is not only important for individuals to be aware of but is also helpful for a business.  “Demand response can be a powerful tool in a company’s overall energy management strategy. By participating in electricity demand response programs, companies can earn significant revenue while simultaneously reducing energy expenses through lower consumption”( Electricity Demand Response).  This chart will be helpful in viewing where the typical demand response of a company is.

Finally there is an economic influence in demand response with electricity. “The economic benefit of an increase in demand response is the reduction in the total supply-side plus demand-side costs of meeting consumers’ demand. For example, if peak DR is imporved by making it easier and cheaper to run back-up generation and turn off electricity-using industrial processes when prices are high, demand and hence the need for costly supply during high-priced peak periods will be reduced”(Larry E. Ruff, PhD, Economic Principles of Demand Response in Electricity).


Trimarchi, Maria.  “How Demand Response Works”  05 November 2008.  HowStuffWorks.com. <http://science.howstuffworks.com/environmental/green-science/demand-response.htm>  30 January 2012.

“Electricity Demand Response | Backup Generation | Reserves, Capacity Programs | Peak Load, Demand Side Management | Energy Efficiency.” Energy Management | Energy Demand Response | Cpowered.com. Web. 30 Jan. 2012. <http://cpowered.com/electricity-demand-response.php>.


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Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster

The earthquake that devastated and initiated a tsunami to hit Japan recently caused many crises, within homes, and with work and the nuclear system. “Fukushima was just emerging from the snows of winter when the disaster hit- a 9.0 magnitude earthquake, the strongest in Japan’s recorded history, followed by a tsunami”(www.ctv.ca, The Associated Press). This eartquake and tsunami brought in it’s path no good. “ The wall of water destroyed much of the northeastern coast on March 11. In the northeast region of Fukushima, a different disaster was brewing; three reactors at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant were melting down, irreparably damaged by the super tremor”(www.ctv.ca, The Associated Press).

After these disasters hit Japan there were and are many investigations to come. “ A separate government investigation concluded last month that the Fukushima Dai-Ichi plant withstood the skaking of a magnitude-9 quake on March 11, before succumbing to the tsunami that followed, endorsing findings by Tokyo Electric Power co.”(www.Bloomberg.com ,Tsuyoshi Inajmia and Kanoko Matsuyama).

“The most important question the panel needs to answer is how much damage was caused by the earthquake, rater than the tsunami, If the panel finds evidence the quake damaged critical functions, all of Japan’s atomic stations will need to be reviewed”(www.Bloomberg.com, Tsuyoshi Inahmia and Kanoko Matsuyama). Like previously stated the Japanese people not only have to worry about the damage that occurred to their houses or their family but now to the aftermath of the damage at the Fukushima nuclear plant. If this plant has more severe damage Japan and a lot of other countries could be in big trouble. This is definitely not a light situation.

It seems like the Japanese government is trying to cooperate and fix the problem. “ ‘We would like to work with the people of Japan so that it is clear what there is to learn from the accident’ said the commission head Kiyoshi Kurokawa during a press brifing held in the parliamentary museum in the Kasamigaseki government disctict. ‘Our aim is to solidly verify what happened in the accident’”(www.atimes.com, Daniel Leussink). Not only is the commission investigating what happened but is also taking a look at how the incident caused harm to Japan. “ The commission will also investigate the effectiveness of the measures taken in response to the accident and come up with concrete suggestions that should be adopted to prevent future accidents at nuclear power plants in earthquake-prone Japan”(www.atimes.com, Dniel Leussink).

Work Cited

Inajima, Tsuyoshi, and Kanoko Matsuyama. “New Fukushima  Investigation Promises to Dig Deeper Into Nuclear Crisis –          Bloomberg.” Bloomberg – Business & Financial News,          Breaking News Headlines. 17 Jan. 2012. Web. 23 Jan. 2012.          <http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-01-17/new-         fukushima-probe-leader-vows-to-dig-deeper-into-japan-         nuclear-disaster.html>.


Online, Asia Time. “Asia Times Online :: Probes Dig Deep into         Fukushima Disaster.” Asia Times Online :: Asian News Hub          Providing the Latest News and Analysis from Asia. 20 Jan.          2012. Web. 23 Jan. 2012.          <http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Japan/NA20Dh02.html>.

The Associated Press. “No-man’s Land around Fukushima Plant Is          Nuclear Nightmare | CTV News.” CTV.ca | Watch TV Online          | Full Episodes | TV Schedule Listing. 27 Dec. 2011. Web. 23          Jan. 2012.          <http://www.ctv.ca/CTVNews/TopStories/20111227/radioact         ivity-damage-fukushima-lookback-111227/>.


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