The earthquake that devastated and initiated a tsunami to hit Japan recently caused many crises, within homes, and with work and the nuclear system. “Fukushima was just emerging from the snows of winter when the disaster hit- a 9.0 magnitude earthquake, the strongest in Japan’s recorded history, followed by a tsunami”(, The Associated Press). This eartquake and tsunami brought in it’s path no good. “ The wall of water destroyed much of the northeastern coast on March 11. In the northeast region of Fukushima, a different disaster was brewing; three reactors at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant were melting down, irreparably damaged by the super tremor”(, The Associated Press).
After these disasters hit Japan there were and are many investigations to come. “ A separate government investigation concluded last month that the Fukushima Dai-Ichi plant withstood the skaking of a magnitude-9 quake on March 11, before succumbing to the tsunami that followed, endorsing findings by Tokyo Electric Power co.”( ,Tsuyoshi Inajmia and Kanoko Matsuyama).
“The most important question the panel needs to answer is how much damage was caused by the earthquake, rater than the tsunami, If the panel finds evidence the quake damaged critical functions, all of Japan’s atomic stations will need to be reviewed”(, Tsuyoshi Inahmia and Kanoko Matsuyama). Like previously stated the Japanese people not only have to worry about the damage that occurred to their houses or their family but now to the aftermath of the damage at the Fukushima nuclear plant. If this plant has more severe damage Japan and a lot of other countries could be in big trouble. This is definitely not a light situation.
It seems like the Japanese government is trying to cooperate and fix the problem. “ ‘We would like to work with the people of Japan so that it is clear what there is to learn from the accident’ said the commission head Kiyoshi Kurokawa during a press brifing held in the parliamentary museum in the Kasamigaseki government disctict. ‘Our aim is to solidly verify what happened in the accident’”(, Daniel Leussink). Not only is the commission investigating what happened but is also taking a look at how the incident caused harm to Japan. “ The commission will also investigate the effectiveness of the measures taken in response to the accident and come up with concrete suggestions that should be adopted to prevent future accidents at nuclear power plants in earthquake-prone Japan”(, Dniel Leussink).
Work Cited
Inajima, Tsuyoshi, and Kanoko Matsuyama. “New Fukushima Investigation Promises to Dig Deeper Into Nuclear Crisis – Bloomberg.” Bloomberg – Business & Financial News, Breaking News Headlines. 17 Jan. 2012. Web. 23 Jan. 2012. < fukushima-probe-leader-vows-to-dig-deeper-into-japan- nuclear-disaster.html>.
Online, Asia Time. “Asia Times Online :: Probes Dig Deep into Fukushima Disaster.” Asia Times Online :: Asian News Hub Providing the Latest News and Analysis from Asia. 20 Jan. 2012. Web. 23 Jan. 2012. <>.
The Associated Press. “No-man’s Land around Fukushima Plant Is Nuclear Nightmare | CTV News.” | Watch TV Online | Full Episodes | TV Schedule Listing. 27 Dec. 2011. Web. 23 Jan. 2012. < ivity-damage-fukushima-lookback-111227/>.