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Fuel Cell Team

A few weeks back, Samantha, Celine and myself became a team; and after lots of brainstorming ideas, we decided to work on a Fuel cell. A fuel cell is a device that uses a chemical reaction to convert chemical energy from the fuel into electricity. The residual by product that comes out of the process is none other than water, which is very environmental friendly. The main reason we chose this topic was to be of relevance was mainly because throughout this course, we’ve been writing blogs about green energy and the possibility of environmental improvements.

Although all three of us had very conflicting schedules, we managed to meet a few times in order to advance in our project. The first phase was the powerpoint presentation. We, each, had to have a good understanding of our topic, and each of us had to work on parts of the project. I was responsible for the explanation of the fuel cell process, Samantha’s input was to give people a clear understanding of the experiment’s procedure and finally Celine was in charge of the advantages and disadvantages of the fuel cell.

Over the course of the following weeks we encountered a few hurdles. We realized that building the fuel cell was quite easy but in fact that the needed platinum was virtually impossible to obtain. Platinum is currently selling for $1700 an ounce; thus making the prices of platinum wire much too expensive for college students to afford. We searched and searched and finally Samantha found wire that was $2.00 an inch with a diameter of .001 milimeters. We were excited becasue without the Platinum which acts as the catalyst there would be no reverse reaction of electrolysis.

Finally, the platinum arrived. Much to our dismay the platinum was no thinker than one strand of hair. We worried that this little amount of platinum would not suffice and that we had spent all of this time on a project that would could not get to work. We tried dispite this set back and luckily we were successful! The fuel cell was tested when no had been connected to the fuel cell. This reading was 0 volts. This reading is to calculate a base line, a reading that should be obtained without the electrical energy. Next we connected the battery. The reading was 8.9 Volts. This reading head steady. Next, we disconnected the battery. We watched in awe as the voltage meter dropped but did not fully decline to 0. The idea behind this is that the platinum is the catalyst. It is reversing the processes of the oxygen and the hydrogen being split by the electrical energy from the battery. The platinum recombines these molecules and the fuel cell will produce energy without the current from the battery. This is proven by the fact that the voltage reading did not go back to 0.

We were glad we were able to work out some of the kinks in our project. Along the way we learned how a fuel cell works and why at the moment with platinum being so expensive that it is not economically efficient. We do expect though that the fuel cell will become much more previlant, especially in cars. All in all we had fun and we learned something new!

Fukushima Disaster

On March 11th 2011 a 9.0 earthquake hit Japan. Shortly thereafter the earthquake triggered an tsunami. This caused wreakage to houses, building and entire communities. The earthquake triggered a loss of external power to the nuclear power plant at Fukushima power plant. The tsunami flooded the back up generators which caused a complete loss of power anf failure to cooling systems.

The earthquake and subsequent tsunami began a fatal chain reaction. The earthquake caused damage to everything, the tsunami flooded everything. Because of this, the reactors began to overheat with no cooling systems. Nuclear fuel melted in reactors#1, #2, and #3. Damaged fuel led to a build up of hydrogen gas, and eventually, explosions in reactors #1, #3 and #4. The estimated amount of radioactive caesium the was sent into the atmosphere by the explosions was equivilent to 168 Hiroshima bombs. Because of this the nuclear disaster was rated a level 7 (the highest level) on the International Nuclear Evenrt scale.

 A year later after government investiagation the disaster was named as a “man-made disaster” and not a disaster that occured because of the earthquake or tsunami;  claming that those that were responsible for the reactor were negligent. The plant operator admitted to knowing that the reactors would not hold up if a tsunami were to strike. The operator admitted that the design limits would not withstand either of these events, and it was known years before this disaster occured. Unfortunately, nothing was ever done to update this plant to be able to withstand the potential of these natural disasters, and therefore the plant operators are responsible.

The aftermath of the radioactive explosions displaced 160,000 people from their homes. The contaimination site will be closed for decades. After the explosion, the ocean water was tested for levels of ceasium. It was found that the seawater had levels 50 million times higher than before the disaster. The full effects of this disaster will not be known for decades.

As a result, countries around the world began reevaulating their own nuclear reactors. Germany vowed to completely shut down its nuclear plants all together, and to never go back to nuclear energy. In Japan the citizens are largly opposed to nuclear energy, and rightfully so. As many other countries witness the devestation, it should be asked if their nuclear reactors would withstand the unforseeable forces of nature? And is nuclear energy is really as beneficial as compared to its hazards?


Engine Technologies

The Stirling Engine

The Stirling engine was invented in 1816 by Robert Stirling. The Stiriling engine has the potential to be much more efficient than an internal-combustion engine that is found in your car. The Stirling engine uses the Stirling cycle to create engery. The gasses in this engine never leave the the engine. Stirling cycle uses an external heat source. A fixed amount of gas is sealed inside the engine. The Stiriling cycle involves a series of events that change the pressure of the gas inside the engine, causing it do work.

The Stirling Cycle

  1. Heat is added to the gas inside the heated cylinder (left), causing pressure to build. This forces the piston to move down. This is the part of the Stirling cycle that does the work.
  2. The left piston moves up while the right piston moves down. This pushes the hot gas into the cooled cylinder, which quickly cools the gas to the temperature of the cooling source, lowering its pressure. This makes it easier to compress the gas in the next part of the cycle.
  3. The piston in the cooled cylinder (right) starts to compress the gas. Heat generated by this compression is removed by the cooling source.
  4. The right piston moves up while the left piston moves down. This forces the gas into the heated cylinder, where it quickly heats up, building pressure, at which point the cycle repeats.

The Stirling engine only makes energy during the first part of the cycle. To increase the output in stage one you must increase the pressure. One way to do this would be by increaing the temperature of the gas.

Peltier Junction

The Peltier effect was a discovery made after joining copper wire and bismuth wire together and connected them to to a battery. When the battery was turned on the one of the wires got cold and the other got hot. If the cold wire is place inside an insulated box it became a low-efficiency refrigerator. This is the extact effect that allows for a refigerator to run.

Mendocino Motor

A Mendocino Motor is a solar powered magnetically levitated motor. The base consists of five sets of magnets. The four magnets in the base must be levitation magnets which provides force against the magnets in the shaft. The fifth magnet is a field magnet that provides the magnetic force to the rotor. On the rotor block there are four solar cells. The rotor is levitated by repelling force between the shaft magnets and the magnets on the base. What is key is the back plate that is a piece of glass which is used as the bearing plate. The levitation magnet provides a forward thrust to keep the shaft against the bearing plate. When light stikes one of the solar cells it generates an electric current energizing the rotor. This produces and electromagnetic field with interacts with the field magents in the base, thus which causes the rotar to rotate.


Nice, Karim. “Stirling Engines”

Vale, Tom. “Mendocino Motors”


Nuclear Power Plant

The field trip to the Nuclear Reactor at MIT has to be the coolest field trip I have ever gone on. When we first arrived we were given a small device that reads the amount of radiation it has been exposed to. My device read 22 to begin with. We then were given a lecture on how the reactor is run, and what the reactor is actually made of.

The most exciting part of the day was when we actually got to go into the nuclear reactor. First we entered a gated room and were showed where the employees check themselves in, so that anyone outside the reactor will know who is in the reactor if there is ever and emergency. We then followed our tour guide over to a big bulk head door. She needed permission to enter and had to scan in using her eyes. The big bulk head door swung open and we all crammed inside a tiny room with another bulk head door at the opposite end. When the first door closed we could open the opposite side door.

Once we entered it was not quite what I had imagine. In the center of the giant dome was the reactor. Surrounding the reactor was feet upon feet of cement or cinder blocks. This is obviously to reduce radiation risk. Interestingly, the guides mentioned that even though they work in a nuclear reactor they are not actually exposed to that much radiation. They explained that a person is exposed to more radiation from the sun on a plane trip from Boston to New York than year of working at the reactor.

We were taken to the top of the reactor, just to look. Then we were shown the control room, and were shown the major controls as well as the commands for a SCRAM. Since this is a reactor used for research purposes; it is SCRAMed in the event of any little problem. Whereas reactors that are used to power entire cities are not SCRAMed right away or at the sight of any minor issue, because the power that is generated is providing people with energy and not just neutrons to run experiments.

When we left the dome, we had to check for radiation exposure. We had to step on a machine, placing our feet over these treads and then place our hands in a box. This machine checked us for exposure that might have gotten on our feet or hands. Everyone was “Clean”. Next we had to wave our hands over another detector as well as our feet. When we left we passed our devices back as well. At the beginning mine read 22 and when we left it read 24, meaning that yes I had been exposed to radiation but it was also such a small amount.

The reactor was very cool. I learned some neat things, but also just to see the inside is something that i dont think many people get to experience

Voltage Lab

On Friday, in class we conducted a lab testing the voltage of light at different distances. Voltage is a measurement of electric force. We tested voltage at different distances by shining a light on a solar panel at a measured distance. We tested the voltage at the distances 0cm, 4cm, 8cm, 12cm and 16cm. Our hypothesis stated that the closer the distance of the light the higher the voltage and  inversely, the farther away the light is from the solar panel the voltage will be lower.

Naturally, the farther away the light is the lower the voltage is because the electric energy is less at farther distances. This is shown in the results. The results did deviate from what was to be expected. The voltage was higher at the 16cm  After testing for voltage at distances we tested voltage using colored filters. The lighter the filter in color the higher the voltage. This is because the lighter colors allow more light to pass through. These results are also showed the graphs below.




Around the World with Clean Energy Subsidiaries

A subsidy is monetary assistance granted by the government to consumers and producers in support of a venture that is in the interest of the public. A subsidy can come in the form of direct cash transfers, tax exemptions, rebates, and price controls.

Many governments around the world are offering subsidies to phase out fossil fuels and expand the renewable energy market. Each country is using a different strategy to encourage this.

United States- The vast majority of federal subsidies for fossil fuels and renewable energy supported energy sources that emit high levels of greenhouse gases when used as fuel.The federal government provided substantially larger subsidies to fossil fuels than to renewables. Subsidies to fossil fuels—a mature, developed industry that has enjoyed government support for many years—totaled approximately $72 billion over the study period, representing a direct cost to taxpayers.

Russia- As of 2010, Russia produced .8 percent of its country’s energy. For the first time ever Russia is offered state-backed support for renewable energy. This new subsidy program states that the plant must have a minimum 5 MW output and developers can receive payments for 15 years so long as they agree to provide power during peak demand hours.

China- Worlds largest manufacturer in wind turbines and in solar panels. China intends for wind, solar and biomass to represent 8% of it electricity generation capacity by 2020. This compares with the less than 4% now in China and the US. China also seeks to dominate in the energy exports. The US is claiming that the actions taken by the Chinese government to further their renewable sector goes against international laws.

Germany- Germany and most of the EU has begun phasing out nuclear reactors has forced subsidy payments to rewable projects with aid depending on energy source.

Sweden- Sweden has put in place a quota model, requires utilities to supply fixed levels of renewable power or buy tradable credits to make up the difference.


“Energy Subsidies Favor Fossil Fuels Over Renewables” Environmental Institute

Clover, Ian. “Russia Offers First Ever Subsidies for Renewable Energy” PV Magazine. October 3rd 2013.

“China Announces Anti-Subsidy Duties on US Solar-Grade”

The Fuel of the Future

When we think of fuel the first thing that comes to most minds is oil. We know that oil is a limited resource and eventually we will run out. The burning of oil and coal also known as fossil fuels are also harmful to the environment. Because oil is limited and expensive, there have been many attempts to find other sources of energy. This has lead to the expansion of solar energy, wind energy, hydroelectric energy and geothermal energy as a replacement.

A fuel source that is not always thought of is hydrogen. The use of hydrogen as a source to generate electricity and power cars is a relatively new concept.Hydrogen is the most abundant element, so the supply can never be depleted. The process of producing hydrogen is easy enough that it can be done at home. Lastly, hydrogen has no negative effects on the environment. The only byproduct of hydrogen is water and heat.

Hydrogen is not a ready source of energy. Unfortunately this means that hydrogen must be processed into a useable form. This process uses energy and emits greenhouse gasses in the process. Hydrogen can be produced either by separating oxygen molecules in water or by splitting it off into hydrocarbon chains in fossil fuels.

Hydrogen is processed into its usable form using hydrogen fuel cells. A fuel cell is made up of a stack of anodes, cathodes, and other materials. Liquid hydrogen enters around the anodes, where the electrons that are attached to the hydrogen are separated from the atoms. Inside the fuel cell there is an electrolyte that allows hydrogen protons to pass through but not electrons. The atoms reach the other side of the fuel cell, and binds with oxygen; which creates heat and water vapor.

So… what does the future hold for hydrogen fuel? Hydrogen is abundant and will never run out. Hydrogen itself has no negative effects on the environment. But there are many drawbacks and hurdles that hydrogen will have to overcome. As many producers and distributors of new energy technology find, they need the infrastructure to supply the demand, but the demand can’t exist without the infrastructure to support it. Building this infrastructure could cost billions and there is little demand for hydrogen right now. Another drawback of hydrogen is that it is hard to store. Hydrogen must be stored at a temperature of -423 degrees Fahrenheit to keep it in its liquid state. Containers that can store and maintain this temperature are very costly to maintain.

Regardless, hydrogen as a fuel source is gaining attention. Toyota announced that it intends to produce a hydrogen powered car by 2015. General Motors has teamed up with the US Army in a joint venture to develop fuel cell technology to be used in vehicles. Honda and General Motors have also teamed up to develop fuel cell stations. As it seems, the vehicle market is interested in expanding in the direction of hydrogen for its many obvious benefits. It will be interesting to see how these companies overcome some of the issues surrounding the production and storage of hydrogen

“Hydrogen Fuel”

“Can Hydrogen be the Fuel of the Future” How Stuff Works.

“Is Hydrogen the Fuel of the Future?” About.Com.


The Marcellus Basin is a 48,000 square miles of shale that stretches from Ohio to Virginia and even into Pennsylvania. The basin was formed 48 million years ago when North American was covered by the ocean. The Marcellus Basin contains about 500 trillion cubic feet of natural gas which is equivilent to 80 billion barrels of oil. This gas is being obtained by the process of Hydraulic Fracturing also known as hydrofracking.

Hydraulic Fracturing or hydrofracting is a process of mining for natural gas in shale. The process is done by drilling horizontial “veins” off of a vertical well, and then pumping water and the “slick water” mixture into these veins. This causes fissures in the shale and causes the natural gas to be released. The gas is then forced up the horizontal wells and then stored in tanks. This process is different from conventional drilling for oi; in that the process uses more water and uses the slick water mixture. In fact, six to eight million gallons of water is used per fracking.

Hydrofracking is a controversial process. The drilling damages the surface and below surface environment. The area is damaged to accommodate the drilling and then the soil is contaminated with the chemicals that are in the slick water mixture. This contamination ruins many animal habitats. The one argument in favor of the process is that it is economical. This then leads to the moral question of whether it is more important to save money, or to save the environment. That is for you to decide.


“What is Hydrofracking?” Neighbors of the Onondaga Nation.

Goldberg, Debra. “Hyrdofracking Resulting in Radioactive Contaminants in Wastewater” Global Pollution and Prevention News.

Hoffman, Joe. “Potential Health and Environmental Effects of Hydrofracking” SERC.

Increasing Fuel Economy

The Obama Administration mandated fuel economy to reach 54.5 miles to the gallon by 2025. In order to achieve these mandates, automakers are implementing new technologies as well as focusing on making more efficient engines and lighter bodied vehicles. The military  has been working closely with automanufacturers to obtain these goals. The most promising and useful innovation they working on is recapturing engine power that is wasted as exhaust heat and convert it into electricity that can recharge batteries.

One of the technologies that is proving to boost fuel efficiency is direct injection. Manufacturers are replacing carburetors with engine based fuel injection This process uses a computer to determine the amount of fuel to inject into the engine based on the speed and driver input of the car. Direct injection squirts fuel where it is needed in each cylinder instead of outside the cylinder. This allows the engine to deliver the same power but on less fuel.

Continuously variable transmission is another technology that is being implemented to increase fuel economy. This transmission keeps the engine working at optimum rpm and fuel economy at all times.

A major focus of car manufactures is to make lighter bodied vehicles to improve fuel efficiency. Carbon fiber and aluminum alloy are materials that are becoming more increasingly popular because of their durability and their light weight.

Many companies are using diesel engines to increase fuel economy. Companies such as Volkswagan and Audi are getting their vehicles in the 40 mpg range with this method. Diesel has a greater power density than gasoline, which means that a gallon of diesel fuel has about 15% more energy than a comparable amount of gas, and combusts more efficiently in the engine.

Bill Vlasic. “U.S. Sets Much Higher Fuel Efficiency” NY Times. August 2012

Audi Clean Diesel, Webpage.

Hybrids Not the only Answer. BankRate, AutoGuide.


Smart Grids and the US Energy Grid

What is a smart grid?

The answer is simple. Think about what a smart phone is: a phone with a computer in it. Much like a smart phone a smart grid operates using a computer system. These grid systems are using electricity and integrating it with technology.


What is the smart grid capable of?

Smart grids can gather data, detect faults, and sense voltage. This allows for better energy efficiency and allows the utility to adjust and control each individual device or millions of devices from a central location. For example, during warmer months, an individual does not need his water heater on a high temperature. A smart grid can detect this and can turn down the temperature to save energy. This being done to multiples homes can aid in the reduction of energy consumption.


What are the benefits of smart grids?

Smart grids increase energy efficiency, and enhance cyber security. Smart grids can be monitored through computers instead of physical labor, and most of the times can fix problems from a computer as well.

Who uses smart grids?

Smart grids are used in power plants, and in windfarms, they are also found in homes and in businesses. Pretty much anything can upgrade its electrical system to be “smart”.

The US Energy Grid

The US energy grid is the biggest machine in the world. It consists of 3200 utilities. These power companies sell 400 billion dollars worth of electricity a year. The electricity is distributed over 2.7 million miles of power lines. Unfortunately the energy is most generated by burning fossil fuels.


Many believe that green energy will reduce the use and income of these utilities. David Crane, CEO of NRG Energy claims that “the grid will become increasingly irrelevant as customers move toward decentralized homegrown green energy” This is back by the fact that solar panels are increasingly turning home and businesses into power producers. It is projected that revenue from the installation of solar power systems will climb to 112 billion dollars a year. The move to greener energy is posing a serious threat to the utility grid and its distributors.