The Marcellus Basin is a 48,000 square miles of shale that stretches from Ohio to Virginia and even into Pennsylvania. The basin was formed 48 million years ago when North American was covered by the ocean. The Marcellus Basin contains about 500 trillion cubic feet of natural gas which is equivilent to 80 billion barrels of oil. This gas is being obtained by the process of Hydraulic Fracturing also known as hydrofracking.
Hydraulic Fracturing or hydrofracting is a process of mining for natural gas in shale. The process is done by drilling horizontial “veins” off of a vertical well, and then pumping water and the “slick water” mixture into these veins. This causes fissures in the shale and causes the natural gas to be released. The gas is then forced up the horizontal wells and then stored in tanks. This process is different from conventional drilling for oi; in that the process uses more water and uses the slick water mixture. In fact, six to eight million gallons of water is used per fracking.
Hydrofracking is a controversial process. The drilling damages the surface and below surface environment. The area is damaged to accommodate the drilling and then the soil is contaminated with the chemicals that are in the slick water mixture. This contamination ruins many animal habitats. The one argument in favor of the process is that it is economical. This then leads to the moral question of whether it is more important to save money, or to save the environment. That is for you to decide.
“What is Hydrofracking?” Neighbors of the Onondaga Nation.
Goldberg, Debra. “Hyrdofracking Resulting in Radioactive Contaminants in Wastewater” Global Pollution and Prevention News.
Hoffman, Joe. “Potential Health and Environmental Effects of Hydrofracking” SERC.