The Energy Grid

In modern day life it is amazing how much we rely on electricity to power us through our days. We use electricity to power our lap tops, entertainment systems, for lights, heat, air conditioning and so much more. None of this however would be functional without the energy grid we have here in the United States.

The energy grid is a system of power lines that allow electricity to flow from the plants and into your homes. Power lines are everywhere when you look around because everyone need tons of power which is why these lines have to be able to pump out enough power to keep up with everyones needs. The energy grids power source is the burning of coal which is a negative feature of the grid because of the effects it has on our planet with global warming. We are however improving our grid by adding in the smart grid. The smart grid are those large wind turbines you will see the wind is able to generate renewable energy. Another method we implicated is solar powered generators.

We are still looking for better ways to power the planet but without having access to energy like we do, we would never be able to function as a society. We need energy like we need oxygen which is why the energy grid is not only fascinating, but a blessing for all human needs.

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