Scientific Engineering

In our every day lives as a society, we are able to live with less complications due to the men and women who engineer and design little things that can solve the little mind blowing problems we face. For example on high ways engineers have designed reflectors that are planted into the high way that make it far easier to see that dividing lines well driving on the high way at night. Also exit signs, the way engineers have designed them to move from left to right as you approach closer and closer to the exit. Half the people I have discussed little things like this with haven’t even noticed the change. That goes to show how natural the improvements seem. Engineers are the most fascinating people in my opinion. They are able to design these  works of intelligence in there head and then apply it to our every day life to make things even easier for us as a society. They are every day people who are a part of pretty much everything that is designed and created in the USA. This is something that I felt like bringing to the light in my write up this week.