Solyndra wtf

Journalism will be the Death of the Green Wave

When talking about the Solyndra controversy a lot of questions and finger pointing is involved.  Could this of been avoided? Was Solyndra the best choice to use as a poster child for the new going green campaign? What will this do to the opinions of green companies? What we do know is that the situation has left a bad taste in the mouths of both politicians and citizens of the United States about the reliability of the government’s choices and green companies.

Half a billion dollars were given to Solyndra to finish the construction of their new facility, create over 1000 new jobs, and become a global competitor in the solar panel industry. This all sounds great, especially to people looking for clean alternative energy. Some politicians were not as excited. There were people who warned that there seemed something fishy because the bill needed to be passed by a certain time. With this push it could not be re-written and it was passed as it was. A year later Solyndra filed bankruptcy and laid off over 1200 of their employees. This situation has sparked a raging fire of criticism towards both the president and the money paid to major energy companies.

Billions and billions of dollars are handed out every year to major energy companies to create incentives to create jobs and improve business. Over 41 billion dollars are given to gas companies every year. Why is it that the largest profit grossing industry needs 41 billion dollars to create incentives? Its because it was created decades ago. There needs to be change in order for people to take this up coming green wave seriously. These are their dollars; lets give them faith that each cent will be used to its maximum potential.

So where did the 500 million dollars given to Solyndra go? The FBI is finding that out right now, but if I had to guess, it went to the board and other major players in the company. Many of these players backed Obama heavily while he was running for office. This doesn’t look good because it seems as if Obama paid them back.

The hope for a green future better not die with Solyndra. It was but a fishy situation that should not change the attitude towards clean eco-friendly companies.  But it has. There needs to be more hope for a cleaner future, because if there is no hope, there is no future.


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