
Who gives a Frack

Only those whose health is at risk give a frack. Hydrocracking has turned into a feeding frenzy between the major energy companies. The United States’ natural gas supply has been compared to an ocean. This resource is being tapped left and right beneath our feet. This might be great for the energy business but people are worried. Due to a bill by Dick Channey, Hydrofracking companies can step over boundaries and laws such as the clean water act and clean air act. This is comparable to giving a sixteen year old a fast car and a pass to break all the laws. It doesn’t mean he will, but he can. And knowing energy companies, they WILL supply the demand.

There are many issues revolving around the process of hydrofracking, Hydrofracking uses a very unique system to get natural gas from the layer of shale. The process starts with the construction of the facility and drill. Once that is completed miners dig 6,000ft down to the layer of shale. After digging horizontally a few hundred feet, steel tubes are slid into place. The tubes are pumped of cement until they are surrounded. Another 100 feet or so is drilled and then a device with triggered explosives is set in place.  The explosive fracture the shale enough for the fracking liquid to be pumped into. From here the liquid expands the fractures. Once the device and liquid are removed, extraction of the natural gas begins. Locals have reported earthquakes and contaminated water. This can have a huge impact on farmers and people with wells.

There have been some cases reported of water from the tap that was actually flammable. That does not sound healthy for a family, an animal, or even farming. Energy companies have swept people voicing their concerns under the rug, calling them eco-terrorists. This makes the energy companies look like the bad guys. And if they are going to trying to buy the rights to land, the people owning the land won’t be so eager to sell.


One thought on “Fracken’A”

  1. Classic Title! You definitely hit the nail on the head with all the big issues surrounding hydraulic fracturing. On the other hand Fracking is just the process which is now used to obtain natural gas. There are actually other ways of obtaining natural gas that aren’t as detrimental to the environment and water supply. Given that fact I was wondering if you would support or go against the Fracking process.

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