
Lego Mindstorms | Experiment #2 – f=ma

For the past two classes, we have been programming our robot to lift some weights on a pulley. Putting the pulley together was a simple task, but collecting the data for the experiment brought us a few problems in the beginning.

This experiment required us to play around with the amount of weight we wanted our robot to pull, the maximum amount of weight we had was 250g, and we had to then convert that into kilograms each time we ran the pulley.Luckily, the program has an automatic data save feature, where it creates a spreadsheet of all of the specifics we needed; mass, acceleration, and the battery discharge.

However, this experiment was not just to see how long it took for the robot to lift a weight of varying mass; it was an example of our lesson on Newton’s Laws of Motion.

His first law, the Law of Inertia, states that “an object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an external unbalanced force. His second law, the Law of Motion, states that force = mass x acceleration, or more simply, f=ma. The second law states that the acceleration of an object relies upon two things – the force acting upon the object and the mass of the object.

For the purpose of this experiment we relied heavily on the second law, since we were trying to use our robot to calculate not only that equations, but to also see relationships between the different variables as we changed the weight that the robot will pull and also the battery’s function when that is changed.

We ran the experiment several times, and even had to repeat the entire experiment once since the program seemed to have a glitch and our results came out backwards.

We then used this data to create the following charts:

Chart #1 – Mass vs. Acceleraton


In this chart, it is evident that the more mass there is, the acceleration lowers since it takes longer for the robot to pull the weights.

Chart #2 – Power vs. Acceleration


Here, the more power there is, the acceleration will also rise to compensate for that.

Chart #3 – Mass vs. Battery Discharge

In this chart, when the mass is higher, the battery discharges more energy.

Chart #4 – Power Level vs. Power Used

And finally, this chart shows how the power usage rises when there is a higher power level.

In each graph, a linear regression/trend line was used.

Overall, this was an interesting experiment. I would like to see the robot try to pick up some heavier weights and calculate the data for that as well, since most of the numbers here are so similar.

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