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Lab 2: Robotics – Experimenting with Different Speeds


This experiment was conducted over the span of two class sessions, one of which we used to build a Lego robot and then used it in conjunction with Labview software. Labview enabled us to visualize the relationship between distance, velocity, and time. During the corresponding weekly lecture, we learned about the equation: d = v x t which we put to work through analyzing the measurements both done with a ruler and through computer calculations.


  1. Before performing experimentation with speed of the robot, my lab partner and I were responsible for constructing the Lego robot. Photo of the required pieces to build a two-more NXT robot are below:


2. As shown here, the simple construction of the two-more NXT     robot requires many small components that were quite difficult to piece together. After the finished product was complete, the last step is to install a working battery pack.

3. Once the entire unit was built, to get Labview up and running with the robot, we connected it to a computer using a USB wire.

Performing the Experiment: 

Before getting started with Labview we had to calculate the circumference of one of the wheels on the robot using a ruler and the equations as follows: C = p x d. Calculating the circumference of the wheel is important because when entered into Labview along with power (force) and time, the program could generally measure how far the robot can travel. After observing the computer’s calculations my lab partner and I had to measure both the actual distance and velocity. The goal is to ultimately compare the two to view its trend.


In the tables below are the results from the experiment. For example from my data, when the robot was run for 3 seconds at 30/30 it reached 0.233 meters with an actual measured distance of 0.24 meters. This is a representation of the error between computer measurements and ruler measurements done by humans. An example of calculating the percent of error is the following:

Setting 30/30 for 3 sec.

% error =  |(0.239 – 0.235) / [(0.239 + 0.235)/2)] | x 100 % = |4/0.00421| x 100% = 9.5%

:Table 1: Running for 3 seconds at 30/30

   Setting: 3 sec – 30/30
Number of Wheel Turns Distance Velocity Actual Distance Actual Velocity
Trial 1 1.486 m 0.233 m 0.7 m 0.24 m 0.08 m/sec
Trial 2 1.525 m 0.239 m 0.0798 m 0.235 m 0.0783 m/sec
Trial 3 1.49 m 0.234 m 0.078 m 0.23 m 0.076 m/sec


Table 2: Running at 4 seconds at 20/20

Setting: 4 sec – 20/20 
Number of Wheel Turns Distance Velocity Actual Distance Actual Velocity
Trial 1 1.0916 m 0.171 m 0.042 m 0.17 m 0.0425 m/sec
Trial 2 1.19 m 0.713 m 0.043 m 0.17 m 0.0425 m/sec
Trial 3 1.04 m 0.163 m 0.408 m 0.17 m 0.0425 m/sec

Table 3: Running for 5 seconds at 15/15

Setting: 5 sec – 15/15
Number of Wheel Turns Distance Velocity Actual Distance Actual Velocity
Trial 1 0.719 m 0.112 m 0.0225 m 0.11 m 0.022 m/sec
Trial 2 0.641 m 0.1007 m 0.201 m 0.10 m 0.02 m/sec
Trial 3 0.730 m 0.1146 m 0.229 m 0.11 m


0.022 m/sec


Overall some of the difficulties experienced in this experiment involved the construction of the robot and ensuring that all parts functioned correctly. Also, being unfamiliar with the subject at hand provided both an unexpected surprise but also a degree of unsureness in whether all components of the experiment were thoroughly completed. If I could change on thing, I would like to solidify my math skills involved with the experiment and follow a lab experiment manual step by step.

Published inLabs

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