Climate Act Plan Initiatives


Increasing Fuel Standards:

The second largest emitter of greenhouse gasses in transportation is heavy duty vehicles. In 2011 the Obama administration passed a standard for all heavy duty models between 2014-2018. This standard will eliminate about 270 million metric tons of greenhouse gases and 530 million barrels of oil. In the June 2013 Climate Action Plan the Obama administration set a goal for cars to have a fuel economy of 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025. With this large jump in fuel economy it would eliminate 6 billion tons of carbon pollution adding up to more than the US emits in a year alone.


Leading In Clean Energy:

So far the Obama Administration has reduced gas emissions by 15%. This reduction has the equivalent to 1.5 million cars being taken off the road. For the future the Climate Act has set out a goal that in 2020 20% of the US energy source will come from renewable energy. With the current use of renewable energy being used is at 7.5%.


Reducing Wildfire Risks:

In the Climate Act Plan it is stated the federal government will now expand and prioritize forest and rangeland restorations efforts. The federal government will create the Western Watershed Enhancement Partnership, which will remove bushes and other flammable plants around areas where there is a risk of wildfires.


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