Professor Tom Vales came into our class and presented four different technologies, the Peltier Junction(top middle), the Stirling Engine(top left), a Mendocino Motor(top right), and a Tesla Generator(bottom).

Professor Vales began the presentation explaining what is a Peltier junction, where he explained that a man named, Jean Charles Athanase Peltier, in 1834, discovered the Peltier effect. The Peltier effect is the presence of heat and cold at two different conductors make an electric current. He also explained that this type of technology was used in fans and submarines.

A 200 year old technology, The Stirling Engine as the professor explained uses air displacement between hot and cold and a power piston to generate power. This technology is still used to this day in cars.

The Mendocino Motor uses magnets and solar cells to produce power. This technology has its own magnetic field and also captures electricity from the light that make the motor spin. The professor explained that this technology is not very practical because solar power is not always reliable.

The Tesla Coil was invented in 1891 by a man named Nikola Tesla. The technology is used to produce Ac current at a high voltage and frequency but a low current. This technology is used in xenon flashes in todays modern technology such as phones and camera.

Get Well Soon Professor Vales!