Trip to the Library

During Class last Thursday we took a trip to the library, where I learned a ton of things on researching. I learned how to get to the catalogs in the library and searching techniques. I learned that through Suffolk  a bunch of online data sources are available like, GreenFILE, Ebsco, Gale Science in Context, Science Direct, LexiaNexic Academic, and many more. I also learned searching techniques such as using using ‘AND’ to use instead of ‘and’ and ‘+’. The librarian also taught me how to use ‘*’ to represent the beginning of a word For example if I type in ‘sub*’ then it will give me results of search that contain words that start with ‘sub’. I also learned how to use the library catalog to find books in the library and how to locate the by their call number.

Overall I believe the trip to the library was very useful and informative. What I learned will help me in the future to do projects and write papers. It is always good to know your available resources and how to efficiently use them.

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