Mildred F. Sawyer Library

On the second floor of 73 Tremont Street, the Sawyer Library is opened from Monday through Sunday 8a.m to 12a.m. Students are able to reserve group rooms up two weeks on the third and fourth floor.  The library has at least one copy of textbooks for the undergraduate and graduate classes. The Circulation Desk can help students who want to check out books. When there are not computers available, students can go to the Circulation Desk ask for  laptops to use for their school work. The third floor of the library is the best place to study without any noises. They have books on every single major like chemistry, black studies, and psychology. If a student wants to link his/her Suffolk email with another one, the I.T station is opened at 10a.m. They do it for free and it takes less than ten minutes. CLAS, which is also on the third floor,  helps students with their essays, blogs, lab reports, and math problems. 

The Reference Center at the library aids students to search for articles. Students can find articles on the databases by subject. For example, General Science can give lists of websites to find information on any topic. Google Scholar is the best way to find articles for science majors because it narrows down what you need. The Ask a  Librarian is a great way to ask for assistance online without being at the library. The Ask a Librarian can help students with MLA or APA format. Sawyer Library has everything students need. It is an awesome place to access information for anything. The people who work there are respectful and kind. Thank goodness for this library!



Obama’s Proposal of the Clean Power Plant

The United States Environmental Protection Agency proposed a plan in June 2, 2014 to cut carbon pollution from the power plants. Power plants are the biggest waste of carbon emissions and 1/3 of domestic green house emissions. The purpose of the Clean Power Plant is to protect health of the citizens in United States. The people are breathing in these toxins, which makes them vulnerable to illness. Mostly elderly and children are easily  to get sick based on the climate range like heat stress and air pollution. Around the year of 2030, the federal government want to cut down on smogs and soot by twenty-five percent. The plan will lead to climate and health benefit changes that worth $55 billion to $93 billion. Therefore, this will avoid 2,700 to 6,600 premature deaths; 140,000 to 150,00 asthma attacks in children. The plan will help the Americans to work more, which decreases the pollution of electricity system and shrinks electricity bills by eight percent in 2030.

The federal government gives the state flexibility with their set goals for 2030. The EPA says the four building block can reduce carbon emissions. The first one is make fossil fuel power plants efficiently because it improves the heat rate for coat steam electric generating units by six percent. The fewer usage of fossil fuel to create electricity decreases carbon pollution. The usage of low-emitting power sources lessens carbon emissions. The third plan is using more zero and low emitting power that creates new nuclear generations. Solar and winds are renewable sources to decrease carbon pollution. The last plan describes the usage of electricity to reduce power plants that saves consumers money; 1.5% demand of energy efficiency. The Clean Power Plants will reduced 424,000 to 471,000 of sulfur dioxide; 4571,000 to 428,000 of nitrogen dioxide will be lessened from the plan. At least 47states will use demand energy efficiency program, 38 will use renewable portfolio goals, and 10 states will plan out market- based greenhouse gas emission programs. I believe this make the country healthier for the people living in it and I hope EPA sticks to the plan. It is important that the is cleaner to prevent illnesses.

References: 1.



Robotics Activity

The robot is a two motor car that has a NXT Intelligent Brick, which can download programs with a USB port. The robot contains four sensors, two motors, and wheels. The purpose of the activity was to measure the velocity, distance, and acceleration using the robots. First, attach double black pegs with a single black peg on the back of the NXT. Then, place the two motors to the NXT using the pegs and take an eleven hole beam to connect the motors. Then, attach the wheels on the NXT with a axle and hub. Finally, assemble the front wheel to the robot. After assembling the car, program it to drive in a circle of radius two ft/revolution and radius two feet in reverse.

The robotic activity became a little interesting as I download a program on the computer called Labview with a USB cord. Then, I played around the car by changing the levels of the power on Labview. I used a While Loop to run the motor and I was able to make one wheel spin faster than other. This makes the car goes in a circle to the right or left. The second lab exercise had a different approach. I had to measure the distance of the wheel and speed of the car traveled. Compute the circumference and measure the diameter of the wheel. I had done five trials with the car.
During the first trial, I recorded couple measurements. The diameter of the wheel was .05 meters. The circumference of the wheel: .157 meters. I use the ruler to measure how far the car went with power of 75; it went up to .26 meters and the distance was .197 m. The Labview computed the rotations of the wheels: one was 452 and second wheel, 458. About 1.25 numbers of times the wheels turned and the velocity calculated to .197 meters per seconds. The percent error was 38.3 percent.The second trial (2 secs): the distance the car drove up to 33 cm (.33meters). The number of turns was about 2.71 and the distance from the computer was .43 meters. The velocity of the car: .21 meters per second. The rotations: wheel 1 was 979, wheel 2 was 986.

The third trial (1 secs): I changed the power of the levels to 50. The distance by the ruler was 18 cm (.18 meters) and from the computer was .13 meters. The wheels turned about .87 times and the velocity was the same distance from the computer. Rotation one was 314 and the second rotation showed 318. The percent error was about 27.8 percent. The fourth trial (1 secs) with power of 65, the distance with ruler was 17 cm (.17 meters), and distance from computer was about .200 meters. The velocity had the same distance from the data, the percent error of 16.2%, and 1.27 times the wheels turned. The two rotations were 460 and 466.

The last trial of two seconds with the power of 65. The velocity from the computer was .22 meters per second. The two rotations were 1006 and 1011. The distance with the ruler was .26 meters (26cm) and .44 meters from the computer. Wheels turned for 2.79 times and percent error of 49.3%. The number of degrees is the rotation of the wheels over 360 degrees, which equals the number of wheels turn. Distance relates to the number of turns:number of turns times circumference =distance. Based on the data, the distances from ruler and computer had close measurements. The higher power levels increased the velocity of the car. The activity was an awesome experience because I was able to  do multiple trials to compared the difference with the velocity, speed, and percent error.

Automobile Industry Increases Gas Mileage

In August 2012, the Obama Administration had decided to increase the fuel economy for cars and trucks to 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025. It would save about $1.7 trillions for the consumers and decrease U.S oil usage by 12 billion barrels. About 70-72 percent of engine losses is from radiator and exhaust heat. We lose 17-21 percent of fuel on wheels rolling through brakes and resistance. About 5-6 percent of fuel usage is lost from water pumps and alternator. More mileage will boost the economy by four or five miles per gallon. Some car businesses like Ford and Altima have adapted to the new gas mileage technology.

There are many ways automobile industries increase gas mileages. GM has called Cylinder Deactivation a Displacement on Demand. During cruising speed, an ICE(Internal Combination Engine) works on thirty percent of power that partially opens the throttle valve. A throttle is fluid managed by constriction or obstruction. This limits the movement of fuel and air, which makes engine harder to take in air. When four out of eight cylinders are shut during cruising, it completely opens the throttle valve and helps the engine breathes. Cylinder Deactivation saves twenty-eight percent of fuel. Turbocharging is a second method to increase gas mileage. It expands the amount of air and fuel that’s burned and captures the wasted energy. The wasted energy is forced to spin a turbine that pushes clean air in the engine’s manifold; creates torque and horsepower. Horsepower helps the small engine to accelerate power.
Direct fuel injection is the third method to enlarge mileage. However, this method uses advance computer management that calculate a precise amount of fuel injected. Air reaches the cylinder through manifold and fuel is placed separately in the cylinder. More fuels are burn and produces a finer mist.
The fourth approach to expand gas mileage is Homogenous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI). HCCI is used with diesel engines because they use heat made by compression to ignite fuel-air mixture. GM says HCCI saves up to fifteen percent that may provide fuel economy.





Debate Of Genetically Modified Crops

Around May 2013, there was a meeting about the use of GMO in Hawaii. There were positive and negative views about genetically modified crops. The over use of pesticides caused cancer in rats and childhood allergies. However, farmers favored GMO because it actually prevented the spread of ring spots virus in papayas. This was called Rainbow Papaya that was created by Margaret to aid the farmers. Margaret Willie, who majored in cultural anthropology, wanted to limit the use of pesticides in Kona, Hawaii. The crux of the debate is to grow healthy food without destroying the crops chemically.

Although GMO may prevent diseases, plants can have resistance to herbicides. When new plants are growing, they can have a resistant gene to herbicides.The resistant gene can spread throughout the field and GMO won’t be effective anymore. This is another concern about genetic modified crops. I understand why some people are against GMO because they are concern what’s in their food. I,personally, do not like genetically modified crops since they are not grown naturally. I feel there is an alternative way to avoid the spread of virus. Organic crops sound healthier than non-organic food, but there are expensive to buy. I notice GMO helps farmers’ productions, but it harms the folks who are buying the food. More companies are taking the easy way to make more money than to grow healthy crops. Even chicken and cows are given something genetically to increase their growth.
*to learn more about debate of GMO check this page: